@Jeremy phil,
Jeremy;165027 wrote:I do not know where to post this question, i understand these threads are for introductions.
I have read alot of threads and had thoughts on some, however i find myself "gunshy" about responding. Does anyone have some quick advice on how to overcome this fear?
Also, for my favorite music, sometime sun, i am a metal head htrough and through

How to overcome the fear of what?
If it is them, don't worry just be sure of yourself that is received.
If it is you, don't worry just be sure of them that is given.
Are you trying to reach yourself or us?
How important and who comes first?
I LOVE metal, but do not specialise in it so much these days.
Perhaps you could paste a couple of 'your' songs in our music threads?
Just so I can taste your atmosphere.
Music is a persons atmosphere.
again you are welcome