I've recently been getting into philosophy, at least a lot more in depth than usual. It wasn't (and still isn't) my strongest point. I'm more comfortable with politics and history myself, but I am finding that philosophy is quite tantalizing and that I want to participate very much in the development of philosophy.
Let me introduce myself. I maybe a bit of a controversial character here, but I hope that doesnt ruin people's opinion of me and I intend to have meaningful and positive discussion here (so I wont push my politics on you, don't worry
) I am, and have been, a Marxist for most of my life and I am quite passionate about it. I follow in the Trotskyist tradition (although personally I prefer the term Marxist-Bolshevik to describe my politics since 'Trotskyist' can seem pejorative.) I am a member of a communist party, called Socialist Action (affiliated with the Fourth International) and am quite active both online and in real life. So it is a given that I love dialectical materialism, historical materialism, Marxist philosophy, etc.
But I am also an existentialist. I am not your typical existentialist though, and this might be a point of contention with any other existentialists out there. I am trying to (as many have tried before) to reconcile Marxism and Existentialism. From what I can see, they are not only very compatible, but I believe that Marxism requires an existential outlook on the individual, and my Marxism is what has lead me to existentialism. But I think I'm an
unorthodox existentialism because 1. none of the classic existentialists seem to 'do it for me' and 2. I think existentialism needs to embrace a weak-determinist viewpoint on free will (shocking I know) but I am willing to explain my basis if anyone is interested. That is my main point of interest in philosophy: reconciling Marxism and Existentialism better than Sartre did (personally, I think he could have done a better job than he did)
But I'm not just a robotic philosopher-commie. I'm a big time metalhead as well, as well as a bit of a wanna be blue-collar type ( funky hybrid of redneck and metalhead
) Anyway, just wanted to give a shout out