Sat 1 May, 2010 12:46 pm
I've come across this forum while looking for information on a school project and decided to sign up. In the last few years, my interest in philosophy developed from my general love for reading and thinking about what things mean to me. I've only started really reading up on the matter recently, though -- started with the work of Sartre, Plato and Nietzsche, currently looking at the work of Wittgenstein.
I like in the Netherlands, and am still in school (N&T VWO, for anyone familiar with the system). The project I am currently working on is an essay/mini-book on the view of Christianity presented by Nietzsche in his book "The Antichrist". Unfortunately, I must work in Dutch, and so will not be able to share the result, although would gladly discuss the topic.
Looking forward to participating in discussion,
Welcome, if you look in the "philosophers" section:
You'll find subforums for each of those three, although the individual philosophers forums aren't that active.
Welcome to Philforum!
Please don't hesitate to frequent the Nietzsche forum, either to offer interpretations or to ask for other interpretations that might enlarge your own thinking about his philosophy.
Check in 'social groups', there are two you might like,
One on Nietzsche and one on Wittgenstein.
Hope you join and hope you enjoy.