@Psycho phil,
I don't really preach much, I just state the obvious that people choose to ignore and become angered due to it.
I preach my philosophy to people, who doesn't show their philosophy?, it makes up our whole perception and leaks regardless of if we wish it to or not.
If I show it straight up I can gain a secondary view on my view that I may not perceive due to certains inhibitions.
I won't tell people to go and learn about philosophy, but I will tell people not to knock different philosophical views without understanding it first.
My name is due to my behaviour, I can get really heated while argueing sometimes. Also because of that feeling you get sometimes while thinking over a question continuously to no avail of finding the answer.
You start to feel like your psychotic because of that feeling, because no one can understand your point or doesn't want to give you constructive criticism.
That's why I chose that name, because sometimes it just feels like your a Psycho.