Fido;148764 wrote:I would have to disagree with that...In fact, progress has seemed to be in fits and starts, but has been constant, because discoveries have improved upon our senses, and our improved senses have allowed a greater understanding...
I see from the News Hour last night, that America is losing its edge in computers and computer technology... It is inevitable given the export of capital, but is accelerated by the fact that education is denied to people from this country... The people who might feed future innovation are those with a great deal of drive and ambition from places like China and India, and they are welcome at our universities, but the price of a person from America getting an education is often the shared indebtedness of his or her whole family... We are starved of education at lower levels, and empoverished for education at higher levels and in part it is because so long as the employers think they can import foreign engineers to do what uneducated Americans cannot do they will not feed the universities or give anyone a hand getting an education... It is a good course to follow if you want to destroy yourself as a world power, but to maximize profit -that is what is done, so that education and capital are both exported, and we will be left without options or defense....To have high profits this land is being transformed into part of the third world...
Yes, I totally agree. I think I have not expressed myself properly.
Dont get me wrong, I never said anything against education and progress thanks to it. We do learn a LOT in our schools, we learn to think, we learn to discover things, we totally depend on education when it comes to future progress of the country and its citizens.
Yet often we are stuck in what we are taught in schools and what we consider as facts. In a way, education sets the frame of our thinking and it is often impossible to step outside of it and come up with something bran new. Of course, there are a few who can, I am not denying it.

But most of us try to invent something using the knowledge of other people. We are often only putting the known facts together.
(The Chinese do learn really fast, thats true, but are they actually inventing things, considering their huge population?)
However, what I was if fact referring to, were all those accidental break throughs people made while trying to discover something else. For example X-ray, gravitation, post-it notes, Smart dust, Penicillin etc. etc.
These were break throughs that we base, once again, our current knowledge on. The accidents thanks to which humanity developed further.

I am glad my "introducing myself" has already led to getting me to think! Thank you Fido!