Don't go off half cocked mr. chicken... All human progress requires a change of forms...But in spite of this, the form is not the solution, but the problem since they are difficult to change and often destroy their societies, or relationships, if you prefer...
Idealism has to date been the greatest single tyranny people have had to face and we are not yet free of it...So, if the form of our economy does not work, then, by all means, change it.. Just as if we were changing our form of apparel, or dwelling, try to make it accomodating of movement and growth because relationships, the living part of any form is dynamic, while the form is static, and either ther form will suffer or the people constrained by it will suffer and usually it is the latter...
The form of the US government was given room to grow to accomadate a rising population, and now that change has been removed, constitutionally and extra constitutionally, and since Jefferson, for one, understood forms clearly from his references in the Declaration, it is possible that change was built in with intent...But taking a more or less static form, which people desire because people hate change, and ossifying it beyond understanding is foolish...And it always occurs sooner or later... Socialism as a form of social organization and economy was extremely effective in its time, but the conditions were far different...When the conditions make socialism unavoidable is when we will have it again, philosophy or not, because only need made socialism seem advisable to the ancients...We have the philosophy of the individual, but they were individuals... Social organization was almost their sole technology... And they were more thoughtful and political than we can normally imagine...
In any event, the problem is not what shall we become, but how do we trash the old so that whatever we may then desire is possible... Tearing down the old is the most difficult and dangerouus part of any change, and then people should burn their boats, and never look back... Such courage is rare...