Thank you guys for the greetings; I'm sorry about the Shakespeare misquote, I intended it existenitally but I guess it's orginal context holds true as well, without a woman (though thankfully never murdered), I start to fall into even more of an existential vaccuum. Each time one slips away I dig myself deeper into philosophy, so to speak, and further see the romantic use of women as nill until I find the right one, which is pretty depressing in itself because with the thought of 'true' love being so scarce, the idea of nihilism really seems to seep in (though I try to battle valiantly against purposelessness, which basically I have God and love in general to thank.) So, for the most part, I basically try to stay quiet and observe, occasionally having a few lines of banter with some friends (who are generally good company, but I still sometimes can't help feeling misunderstood [again, I have been getting by suspecting that it's just a regular part of adolescense.]) I'd also like to mention that sometimes I feel as if most things other than philosophy are pretty pointless, which is foolish, but it is also a pretty big existenial problem I deal with every so often. I plan on majoring in philosophy in college without a doubt, it's my only real passion aside from writing.
---------- Post added 02-08-2010 at 10:21 PM ----------
Also, thank you guys for the advice!