Wed 27 Jan, 2010 09:14 pm
It's a great feeling to finally pluck up the nerve to join a philosophy forum. I've kind of had an affinity to the search for the ultimate experience. A dreamer trying to seek the ultimate dream. Anyway I consider myself a novice, so excuse my naivety. I have an open mind and am willing to accept critical analysis. I have a willingness to spend more than enough of my time listening to the theories of others. I can't wait to hear what people have to say. Anyway here is a thought I had earlier during a bit of meditation:
Our consciousness is a zap of electricity speeding backward and forth across our vast expanse of experiences categories stored in our brain and percieving those experiences as part of a rotoscope dream animation. A rainbow of the entire thought process our conscience follows during the course of electrical thought it has chosen to follow to attain the glory of the final revealing of its own wave of the first, most perfect conscoiusness. Of tuning into the infinity in the most powerful means possible. Exploring the depths of either the thinker or the depths of the thoughts that thinker is thinking, following the labyrinth down into the void of the matter or flying high up into the grand bright and dense realths of great conscious perciever . The very essence of the great spirit. The thinker.:a-thought:
Hello and welcome to the forum, hope you enjoy it.
Welcome to the forum. So what's New Zealand like?
Welcome to Philforum! You may, of course, choose to merely listen in to the conversations and discussions here, but don't hesitate to join in discussing ideas or areas of interest.
Hello there. Welcome to the Philosophy Forum.
Hello. I'm new here too. I don't get out much, think too much...
I got kicked off another forum for saying Socrates was gay too much. lol