Thu 30 Aug, 2007 06:06 am
I write positively, as if every assertion were a statement of fact, and now realize that this can be a little off-putting, I'm sorry, but if I weren't sure I was right I wouldn't write it.
I've striven long and hard for validity of understanding - dismissing prejudice, tempting illusion and comfortable belief, distilling a high proof, crystal clear worldview from the muddy mead of human ideas - such that I would willingly concede to superior argument, comfortable in the knowledge it cannot be a major dilution of my own intellectual spirit.
If these ideas are to succeed, if humankind is to survive, they must become known to the many - translated, discussed, and built upon - and therefore I beg of you to dismiss prejudice, illusion and comfort to make these ideas your own, to make them known to others and thereby prevent the extinction of our species.