Sun 8 Oct, 2006 05:06 am - New to Fort Worth Area and would like to start networking
Thanks for reading. My name is Julius and I am new to the Fort Area. I moved from Oklahoma to start school at University of Texas at... (view)
Tue 25 Apr, 2006 07:46 am - You are right on!!
Male nurses do tend to move more than females. In my RN-BSN class I was the only male nurse and I made more money than nurses that have worked 20 years. Why, because like you... (view)
Mon 17 Apr, 2006 08:58 am - OKlahoma Pay
[quote="okornurse"]i work in oklahoma...have been a nurse for 11 years and work in the or now. I make 21.50 an hour... just to let ya'll know....
we make double time... (view)
Mon 17 Apr, 2006 08:48 am - RN Pay for Males vs Females
I have always heard that male nurses get paid more than female nurses. Do you find that to be true? (view)
Sat 18 Mar, 2006 08:48 am - Need your input on travel to Dallas/Ft Worth area
I live in Oklahoma and I started my masters at UT at Arlington. I want to do extended travel nursing assignemnt to the Fort Worth Dallas area so... (view)