Tue 31 Oct, 2006 05:34 am - thanks for replying, if i take the nursing route i would hopefully get into psychiatric nursing im not to sure as yet.
But at my job they want to put me on a chartered secretary course!
im... (view)
Mon 30 Oct, 2006 05:58 am - Hi Andrea,
just write about yourself, it is quite hard even though all you are doing is writing bout yourself.
All I did was noted down what qualities a nurse needs and made sure i wrote them... (view)
Mon 30 Oct, 2006 05:06 am - 2 be a nurse or not to be a nurse????
Please help!
I'm 19 and am an assistant registrar in the company i work in. However after applying for UNI to do nursing months ago- i got accepted... (view)