Sat 10 Mar, 2007 01:10 am - Hello all
I'm traveling in Tucson, AZ currently but am looking to go to Austin, Tx next. Traveling is OK, the money is nice but I'm looking forward to settling down somewhere soon.... (view)
Sat 10 Mar, 2007 01:02 am - Austin, TX
Has anyone ever worked Per Diem in Austin, TX? I'm considering going there and would love to hear anyone's input!!
[email protected] (view)
Fri 9 Mar, 2007 03:39 am - austin, tx
I want to go to austin, tx to work but the travel jobs are few and far between, or are really low pay! Has anyone ever worked at South Austin Hospital? (that's the only posting... (view)
Fri 9 Mar, 2007 03:29 am - world health
I'm pretty sure World Health is now named Travel Nurse Solutions, I heard they changed their name because they went bankrupt as World Health (view)