HELP are my inlaws ex members?

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Reply Wed 22 Nov, 2006 11:16 am
HELP are my inlaws ex members?
Martin David Rankin (aka) David Campbell Rankin
Sara Barbara Rankin (aka) Barbara Rankin
1st son Michael Campbell Rankin
2nd son Isac James Rankin
3rd son Stephen Joesph Rankin
4th daughter Elisabeth Rankin (aka) Flores

Who are they really???
address 10 Taru Court Willetton.
Were members of SUBUD.
Lived in Roleystone WA
Changed many churches

Help please
WalkerJ 1
Reply Wed 22 Nov, 2006 02:34 pm
Re: HELP are my inlaws ex members?
Judging by your description, it doesn't sound like they were ever members of the Family.

However, you might try simply asking them if they are/were members. If they are/were, then they'll either give you a straight-up "yes" or hem and haw about it and attempt to change the subject.
Reply Wed 22 Nov, 2006 07:42 pm
Judging by my description??? What description....

We are all given choices in this life and to choose The Family is by far the worst choice one can make.

I have never been part of The Family and neither have my two little boys, however, all the evil doings have been past onto two innocent babies of the next generation. I suffer every day trying to protect my boys.

You tell me why I should suffer so..... You tell me how I am supposed to stop my little ones from being molested and how to stop them from banging their heads whist rocking violently in their sleep. I married a man whos parents may have chosen this life and maybe passing their brainwashing, free love, flirty fishing bullshit onto my babies.

Help me stop this. Help me find the truth about my inlaws. Help me protect my little ones from this disgraceful act.

Tell me who they are and if they were involved..... Someone out there must know... All who post on this site and claim they want to help now is your chance to act on your words. I beg you to help me help my boys.
Thorwald 1
Reply Wed 22 Nov, 2006 07:54 pm

Your "description" was your title (i.e. "HELP are my inlaws ex members?") and the information after the list of legal names. I agree with WalkerJ, based on your description, they are/were never members of The Family International.

truthfinder wrote:
You tell me why I should suffer so..... You tell me how I am supposed to stop my little ones from being molested and how to stop them from banging their heads whist rocking violently in their sleep.

Unless those questions were rhetorical, what are any of us supposed to do to help you here?

truthfinder wrote:
We are all given choices in this life and to choose The Family is by far the worst choice one can make.

Um, no. You see, most of us here never chose anything; we were born into this group.

truthfinder wrote:
I married a man whos parents may have chosen this life and maybe passing their brainwashing, free love, flirty fishing bullshit onto my babies.

Not very likely these days. This actually doesn't make that much sense. Are you saying that you are married to a man who is still in The Family International? That is not really possible. Not sure I understand how his parents would have any control over your children.
Peter Frouman
Reply Wed 22 Nov, 2006 08:31 pm
Re: HELP are my inlaws ex members?
truthfinder wrote:

Were members of SUBUD.

You've answered your own question. Subud has nothing to do with The Family. If Subud is a cult then it is a completely different one.

Instead of asking complete strangers about this, you should be asking your husband. He would be the person most likely to know whether his parents were ever members of the Children of God/The Family.
Reply Wed 22 Nov, 2006 09:18 pm
Dont you think I would have already asked my husband??? Answer YES. His answers: Dont think my mother could ever do anything like that, but my dad could possibly. My husband says he cant remember much of his childhood.
With regards to Subud - have any of you actually studied this cult? I have and I find very similar traits. Is Subud the new name for The Family????

Questions I raise on this site are genuine concerns. If I was able to ask my inlaws or husband the questions I am asking of you, why would I be on this site.

manipulation, mindcontrol, lies and deceipt are who they are. I wouldnt be in the Family court fighting for my children if it was as easy as you all suggest as merely asking them.....

Life threatenng messages, unanswered questions, confusion, sadness, anger, betrayal, lonlieness, shame, hate, are only some of the daily things I face. AND FOR WHAT???

If I could just walk up and ask my inlaws I wouldnt be in the court system being punished for merely asking them this question. The question that never gets answered. I have lost everything, If this is what happened to my husband, my heart cries for him. He was an innocent baby who knew no better. I dont want him hurt either, but I have to know.....

3 and a half year olds do not know what comes out of the end of penis unless they have seen it or have been shown it. Little children dont have any concept of whether it is wrong for daddy to put his finger up their bottoms. Questions I raised with my husband as to what our little boy was talking about may see me loosing my children.

What am I up against.....

Just a mother who heard her little boy say something of concern and who is still trying to find out what her little boy was talking about.....

This isnt about me, it is about them.... they wont answer the questions so i have to try and get them answered. Till the last breath in my body will I stand along side of my little boys words as I heard them with my own ears.......
WalkerJ 1
Reply Thu 23 Nov, 2006 03:41 pm
truthfinder wrote:
With regards to Subud - have any of you actually studied this cult? I have and I find very similar traits. Is Subud the new name for The Family????
Havng spent the first 24 years of my life in The Family, I feel quite confident in saying that SUBUD is not nor has ever been related to The Family. While The Family International has gone through many name changes, it is not -- nor ever has been -- known as SUBUD.

truthfinder wrote:
Questions I raise on this site are genuine concerns. If I was able to ask my inlaws or husband the questions I am asking of you, why would I be on this site.
I appreciate your concern and frustration. I apologize if my comment came across as condescending. My intention was only to encourage open and direct communication with those in question.

truthfinder wrote:
Just a mother who heard her little boy say something of concern and who is still trying to find out what her little boy was talking about.....
It is unfortunate that your search for answers about your inlaws on this site has come to a dead end, but I wish you the strength and courage to find the answers you are looking for. I truly wish my parents and the parents of my peers as a child had had the sense to ask some of the questions you are now.
Reply Sat 25 Nov, 2006 08:53 am
I want to thank you for taking the time to respond to my posts and to thank you for word of encouragement. It is sad to have taken a step back and lift the vail off my face only to see a world that is not familiar to me. Lies, deceipt, hate, revenge are only some heart breaking revelations. I lived somewhat in denial. I honestly believed everyone was like me, honest, what you see is what you get, fun, caring, compassionate etc. Not saying I am Miss Perfect by far, but I used to smile all the time, talk to anyone, embrace all and now I run and hide from people I know and people I may meet. My love of people and life is clouded with shock and disbelief. Why is everyone so evil? I find it not only difficult to trust people around me but I find it extremely difficult to look at old and new friends through the same innocent eyes I was born with. How do I find that girl who used to love everyone, trust everyone and do anything for anyone. I dont want the world to be how I now see it. It is so sad.
Sadly, there is no one who can guide me through this terrible "Game" of the Family Court.
NOt one sexual abuse allegation has ever been proven. In fact, the Family court arent interested in these allegations. The court doesnt even deal with them. Why do they (lawyers etc) direct all these cases fully knowing that the allegations will only be blamed on the mother and the mother accused of mentally damaging her child/ren because of her inability to deal with her emotions after the separation. Sorry, to burden you with a subject close to your heart, however, I need help. I have godly help but I also need worldly direction.
Everyday I hear the words over and over in my head that left my 3 year olds lips. I have never led him or made up these allegations. all I want to know is what he was talking about. Did he dream it, see it, hear about it, or did it happen. I loved my husband and I loved his family. I never expectedf any of this. My husband was never sexually active. In fact, he never seemed interested at all. We are adults and sex is sex as you can understand, however, why a husbend hardly ever made love to his wife, hold her hand, cuddle her, etc etc etc would eventually need to be questioned. After my son told me what Granddad, Grandma and Daddy were doing to him in the shouer and or at bedtime I started to feel a little relieved, what I mean is if this was true and this was happening to my son then it is possible it happened to my husband and thus the reason for abstenance. 10 years I told myself any excuse possible as to why he was distant and unresponsive to certain feeling and emotions. It took me nearly 2 months before I spoke to my husband about all this. It was not a decision I made, the DCD Police, once reported to my doctor, was no longer in my control. They required the child to be interviewed and a date was set. If true, I didnt know how bring this up withhout it affecting and possibly hurting my husband. Finally, I told him and before I knew it all we agreed on between husband and wife as to the diretions and steps we thought best to take together as a family were swept aside, crushed and i was left standing up against the wall, blindfold off and inlaws and husband in the firing position with guns pointing at me. I was told that I should forget about it, not make a big deal, leave it alone, I found my self alone, lost and screaming from the inside. My husband quite happily showed his two boys and myself the front door. I left on the 6 of December last year.
It has been one of the most mind blowing, soul destroying things anyone has to go through. Still to this day my first question about the allegations has never been answered. 3 million more have built up and need answering. My brain cannot take in even one more word or bit of information. Every word, feeling and emotion, truth and compassion has been twisted up, stomped on and spat on by all. I study every night. Reading judgments from Trials. Even when medical evidence says YES DEFINATELY a child has been dealt with inappropriately the Trial Judge disagrees and then refers to the Expert Witness's written report. Yes, the expert's pshycological evaluation is in the courts eyes the truth and medical evidence is not. Oh God, so many children forced back into abusive homes and mothers loosing their fights and being labelled CRAZY., mothers are locked up whislt others are so weiry lost ashamed, helpfless, left blamed for the mere fact of protecting her babies. NOw, I am fully aware that some evil people have been abusing this system and yes, I fully see why the courts are sick of hearing these cases, as most of these allegations are bought up after the parties separate to stop access.
But here you have me, my marriage disolved after the allegations and only cos of the allegations. Why couldnt my husband just stand alongside of us, not saying he had to believe, but to at least try protect and caring for the family he helped create. I have never asked much of him I now only want him to be free from torment that most likely is happening in his mind. It wasnt his fault. Believe it or not, even though my inlaws have menatlly, physically and emotonally abused my sons and myself over the past year, I feel sad for them. I cry for them. They arent bad evil people lost souls who need redirection and teaching. Not saying what they have done is remotely acceptable God NO. I beleive that we only know what we know becuase of our parents teachings. We dont know rights and wrongs until they teach us. If they teach us that wrongs are rights how as children would we know the diference. Poor, innocent, pure babies.
How can I find out if behind closed doors if my in laws are secretly practicing these traits whilst my children visit their home.
The eldest brother, this was a complete surprise to me, but he has two counts of sexual abuse allegations against him, for placing his hands down an 11 year students pants and rubbing his penis. My children have been handed back to their father and grand parents all based on the experts opinion, (unprofessional opinion) and I havent even been to trial yet. the case hasnt even really started. Everday I receive life threatening messages via my mobile, telling me to drop it. warning me that my life may be over,telling me money talks and they know I have been, telling me to choose carefully as it is my life and how my life will end up is in my hands. Thye ask how my boys are and whether i have sorted my self out yet. They also let me know that they are setting me up, have been planting seeds and apparently I have been reacting better than they expected me to. I must sit quietly and do all I am asked of by the courts, drop boys off every Friday 4 pm and pick up 9 am Monday morning whether i like it or not. I want to scream. If I do, they will take my children away and lock me up for stopping access and breaking court orders. Why... The courts mission statement is that they will always act in the childrens bests interests. They seem to have forgoten the children altogether and have placed emphasis on divorce and settlement proceedings. I am tiring quickly and are burden with presures which are unimaginable to the normal world.
I can only sympathise for you and pray for you that no more torment about this horrible past is no longer part of you but that all that has happened to you and around you as creditentials and that you may use your credientials and experience in for helpng others.
If I could right now, see you, I would place both my hands in your hands and whilst facing you say nothing but cry for you. I offer my hands, what little i have left, to you.

Reply Sat 25 Nov, 2006 02:01 pm
SUBUD is a very different group than CoG/TF.

According to their own site:
The Muhammad Subuh Foundation is named in honor of the founder of Subud, Muhammad Subuh Sumohadiwidjojo, and was established to fund the long-term objectives of the World Subud Association.

Subud is a non-denominational form of worship that is open to people of all races and religions. The specific practice of Subud is a form of receiving which can awaken a person’s inner self guided by the power of God, or the Universal Life Force. This practice can awaken a sense of “human responsibilityâ€
Day 1
Reply Sat 25 Nov, 2006 03:34 pm

After reading your posts, I want to hold your hands and offer you some comfort, too. Having a trusted friend or enlisting the skill of a counselor to help sort out concerns and help to get one's bearings, is something I found to be beneficial during trying times. "Take care of yourself, physically and emotionally", is a good tip that one such counselor suggested to me, years ago.

A few days ago, I read a wonderful quotation that has been attributed to Mahatma Gandhi. Perhaps it will be an encouragement to you.

"When I despair, I remember that all through history the ways of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants, and murderers, and for a time they can seem invincible, but in the end they always fall. Think of it---always."
Reply Wed 4 Apr, 2007 03:18 pm
I just wanted to say, I know this is a little old and off the topic, but I'm a survivor of Subud and from what I have seen, sexual abuse and manipulation / mind control are very prevalent. The worst thing is that every member denies it violently and claims that anyone speaking out against Subus is possessed by lower or demonic forces. Truthfinder I was heartbroken by your story, it's very sad, and one unfortunately I can relate to loads. I rarely hear from people with negative views of Subud (even those who are anti-Subud describe even the vaguest hint of covert SA or RA as "insane".) There are so many cults out there, some are extremely dangerous, some are more dangerous because on the surface nothing appears to be wrong. Oh well. Just my two cents.
Reply Thu 4 Apr, 2019 03:54 am
Hi Truthfinder this may be a long shot but is Michael Rankin a school teacher or ex-school teacher I know this thread is 13 years old but I hope you reply.
Reply Sun 7 Aug, 2022 12:53 pm
@Peter Frouman,
Wasnr meaning the marfia you, the children of god
Reply Sun 7 Aug, 2022 01:03 pm
Reply Sun 7 Aug, 2022 01:04 pm
Was a teacher, believe little boys name was something like bryden reynolds
mystic beautiee
Reply Thu 8 Sep, 2022 06:27 pm
im so sad that this is happen it seems to be that everyone has let off they own destruction and everyone is sitting at home laughing on computers at what they see for being fake for the lies that was told
Reply Fri 31 Mar, 2023 03:28 am

Yeah I was that boy Brydon Reynolds, I hope your kids weren’t hurt by these horrible humans, especially Mike.
He went up on fresh charges in 2019 but managed to get off, he is now up on more fresh charges but I don’t like his chances as there are four complainants.
Like I said I hope your kids weren’t hurt by this monster.

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