Thu 26 May, 2005 06:32 pm
Family discipline: Corporal Punishment
I've looked through the MLs on this topic at exfamily, and guess what? They've all been purged. What a surprise--NOT! If someone has unpurged copies of the MLs, I can tell you which ones are most likely to contain the strongest admonitions from Berg to beat the living shit out Family kids.
Also, I think a "system" definition of what constitutes abusive corporal punishment would be a helpful point of reference. Any physical disicipline that results in bruises, abrasions & broken skin, torn ligaments, sprains or broken bones is considered excessive & abusive. So are slaps to the face, due to the danger of brain injury and whiplash. Once a child enters puberty, corporal punishment that involves bare-bottom spanking is considered abusive. Bare-bottom spanking of pre-pubescent children with anything other than a bare hand is considered abusive given the potential for bruises, abrasions, broken sin, etc. Surprised? The details of these standards vary from culture to culture, but cihld protection laws in Western, developed countries pretty much adhere to this set of standards regarding the corporal punishment of children.
They had this awesome thing in one of the JETT homes in Thailand called "The Spanking Wheel" where all able adults would stand in circle with their legs spread. We would have a number of rounds we had to do while the adults and senior teens would beat your ass as long as they could reach it. Ahh, the memories of good times.