How about...
How about take a "rinse off"? When Berg moved to the tropics, and we started having swimming pools, we used them for "rinsing off" before coming in the house. It wasn't just using water, as taking a "dip", but he instructed us to use soap. He said that the chlorine in the water would be enough to keep it sanitary.
Also, "inside clothes", & "system clothes".
Oh yes, "pray a cleansing prayer" before coming inside. Because of "hitchhiking spirits"(already in the glossary) we had to bathe ourselves in a cleansing prayer.
Or how about "call-in"... we had to call in to the home before coming back to see if it was alright... in the times of "persecution" we needed to check -in to see if the Romans were there or not.
During intense media campaigns, we couldn't drive directly home, but we had to go in a round-about way to "lose the enemy" in case they were following us.
Even when coming home from FFing, we wouldn't let the taxis drive us to the front door, we had them drop us off down the street from the home... even in the middle of night!!!! My god, how dumb!