eternal life
"Well If there is no God, then "Morals" are an illusion."

Says who? Thousands of godless, faithless people have their own morals, and thus acceptable conduct and unacceptable conduct. The very fact that the basic morals of almost every religion are so similar, shows that humans have innate ideology, which are not dictated by faith. Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Bhuddists, Jews, all follow the basic principle, do unto others as you'd have them do unto you. In a day and age of superstition, religion was an effective vehicle to further the cause of law and order. Now, we have proven that humankind is capable of applying law, without the threat of god, but through the threat of justice. Now, religion is holding back the progression of mankind. Genetic research, homosexual rights, foreign policy, all hampered by religion. Wars the world over, criminal activity by religious extremists the world over. Now, religion and faith have outlived their purpose, and have become a detriment to the advancement of human intelligence.
"If there is no eternal judge, then it doesn't really matter what anyone does or doesn't do."
If there was no god, would you go out and murder someone? Would you rape, steal, plunder? Is that what you want to do, but will not, because you fear the judgement of god? Surely there must be good in you, that comes of your own accord. You feel pity when one near you suffers. You feel joy, when those around you prosper. I know there is no god, no heaven, no judgement, no afterlife. And yet I do my best to live upright. Why is this? Because I am a man. I am a creature with the ability to think. I walk with dignity. I do nothing that I would be ashamed to one day tell my future children. I would wish that my future children would have the ability to discern what is right and what is wrong. I would wish that they would have no appetite for harmful and predatory actions. I would not wish that they crave evil, yet subdue themselves through fear. I am no man (or god's) slave, and neither will my children be so. We have the strength and wisdom to know what actions are beneficial to ourselves and humanity, and what actions are harmful.
"Why bother with anything, we should simply eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die!"
Tomorrow we die, but not our children. We live in our legacy. All animals live with one purpose, to bear offspring, and raise them to fend for themselves. That is the ultimate existence of all animals. Assured, there is no afterlife, no heaven, no hell. But we will live in our children. Our DNA lives on. And the culture we leave behind, the moral education we leave with our offspring, these will live on. Culture and morals will adapt with time, as the prominent generation will deem fit. There may come a day when our current morals will be considered wrong. Our current moral wrongs considered right. That is not for us to decide. That is the responsibility of our future. The children. They will decide what is right or wrong for their time. We can only make our best effort to educate them to educate others. We can only attempt to leave a lasting impression, through our actions. We can only make our generation and morals so successful and productive that our children will feel it best to follow in our footsteps. And thus, we live forever. :wink: