Convicted Family sex offender: Anyone recognize this perp?
This link is a first-person story about a Family member who was convicted for aggravated sexual assault of a minor. The person telling the story--Christina--identified her perpetrator as Gerald Curran and states further information can be found on him at If you go to that site, you can look at a good photo of him by entering his name and state in the search engine. Curran is a registered sex offender in Rockford, Illinois.
This is an important story for a couple of reasons. First, it provides evidence that Family members have been convicted of sex crimes against children in TF. Second, it details the way in which Family leadership have handled allegations of these crimes--i.e., by pressuring the victim to forgive the perp and not press charges. (They like to boast there have been no convictions. Well, duh. There won't be any convicted perps if the victims don't press charges.) Finally, official Family suppression of the story is linked to two individuals--Christina's older brother and sister-in-law--who have posted statementse on that denies abuse occurred in the Family.
Christina will be telling more of her story at MO as she finds time. In the meantime, I'm wondering if any former members can identify him by his Family aliases.