wanting the truth

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Reply Sun 5 Nov, 2006 02:00 pm
wanting the truth
I am writing a paper, possibly to be published, and am hoping to gain a perspective from those that have experienced abuse from TF. I am looking primarily for women's responses. I am interested in how these women tell their story and how their abuse has impacted their lives. I'M looking for real stories. This is legit...I am a student at a University enrolled in a women's life writing course. If anyone is interested in helping me out, please resond!
Reply Mon 27 Aug, 2007 04:16 am
I, along with two of my sisters have just written and published our memoirs in a book called 'Not Without My Sister'. We were born and raised in The Children of God/ The Family International. ( It spans nearly 30 yrs of their history.)

you can purchase it at

And for more info visit our website;
Reply Sat 24 Nov, 2007 02:27 am
Hello people,

i never was family member - thanks God - and i never suffered in my life any kind of maltreatment or abusive treatment AND i never was forced to see any kind of sex during my childhood or teenager time. I can say, Lord, yeah, i am a kind of luck.

yesterday i heard about Ricky Rodriguez, he was the reason that i went on the way to get more information of his tragedy and thats how i found your side.

I am here for give ya the spiritual power to go ahead fighting against this cult of this false religion of "the family". The devil is that they covered as religion. For Adult Sex you dont need a religion, you just can go out and pay for it. I am sure that in this cult get in a lot of pedophilic people cause on that they can practise this sickness in a protect arounding. I am sure that a lot of members were also abused people of "system people" (just for taking the used word) for finding "peace" with their past, getting the message it was right, on that way that dont need feel used. I am sure that a lot of sexaddict people get in there. Its always the same reason, they get there cause they wanna go the easy way - living out their inside with no restriction of anyone. I suffered so much with Ricky, God bless him, and i hanks God for his braveheart cause i am sure he had and still he do open the eyes to a lot of people. Believe me, hold on the remember of Ricky, every ExFamily member, go out tell your story, more of yours more you will beat the past, more you will remember Ricky. Ricky was the first one who breaked out, still he will be the first on earth like in heaven. He did for the freedom of all of you. Remember him and you all will be free.

I cant take all the pain, but your feeling is right, Jesus never mean the sexual body love, if he would have mean it, he would have told it. No, in Bibel its written, he had no wife and no children and he never kissed a women or treat or talk to her in sexual way. That must be proof enough. Jesus Love never means a body love. He doesnt died on cross for the devil - like Ricky didnt died for the family.

Berg was a devil and Zerby is still the devil and every of their fellows is their devils. They all are a shame for the earth. Sure devils exists a lot here on earth, and they are part of the devil community.

I please ya, all exmembers go ahead with your fight, you dont do it only for yourself, you do it for the next ones - your do it for Ricky.

Fight and help each other. Try to help people, you heard that they wanna go out, helped them to get a step into this world, new life. Please support each other also in spirtual way, no one of you beed to suffer the loneliness. Helped each other in your fight against the Family of the devil.

And if i meet somewhere a person who is part of the family, supporting havin sex infront of their child, i put them my fist in their fuckin face.

If i could, i would taken all Rickys suffer out. Its pity that he has taken his own life, he hadnt need to do it. And maybe he did cause he didnt get enough support of his arounding. If you can do something for Ricky, so that you help each other so much that noone needs to take the own life, for letting win the devil. Ricky did, and i say, how big have must been his pain for doing it ? My heart will be always with him and i thanks him for his brave. And believe me, Ricky is in heaven for savin so many childrens soul and adults soul out of the devil world. And so how i thanks Ricky, i thanks everyone of you ExFamilies .. go ahead .. your way is the right way.

Always when i think, i have seen (known) every cruelty of this world, the next devil is waiting behind the corner.

But i promised, i will never give up to fight against the devil wherever i find it and to support the knights of a better world.

So long the Family exist, so long the ExFamily will exist.

Good bless you ExFamily

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  3. » wanting the truth
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