Just a Thought

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Day 1
Reply Mon 8 May, 2006 06:39 am
Just a Thought
While perusing the news channels this morning, I noticed that the polygamist "leader" of a fundamentalist cult, with ties to the Latter Day Saints, has been put on the FBI's 10 most wanted list, charged with several sexual crimes involving minors. The thought crossed my mind that perhaps some day Zerby, her accomplices and conspirators will be listed there, as well, given top billing that they so well deserve.
Reply Mon 8 May, 2006 02:10 pm
not wanting to offend--But, Amen to that!
Day 1
Reply Mon 8 May, 2006 05:14 pm
None taken, Evanman. Zerby's crimes, coupled with her continuing to skulk the planet with impunity, are what offends me.
Reply Mon 8 May, 2006 05:23 pm
There will be a day of justice.
Day 1
Reply Thu 11 May, 2006 10:15 pm
Speaking of justice, with all the documented testimony of former members, I wonder why TF still continues to enjoy "non-profit" tax exempt status in the U.S? And, it is curious to me that (the late) Berg, Zerby and their cohorts have managed to avoid jail time for their multitude of crimes, lo these many years.
Reply Fri 12 May, 2006 12:47 am
Groups like this one enjoy tax-free status in US because US has liberal views towards religious groups.

L.Ron Hubbard learnt this when he founded his sci-fi mind-cult, Scientology. Call it a religion and you get tax exempt status.
Reply Fri 12 May, 2006 07:58 am
The satanists are also recognized in this country as a religioius group and have tax exempt status. Their rituals consist of unimagineable crimes against "everyone" of "all ages". One of the problems there is that high ranking government officials and law officers themselves, amongst other upper society individuals, are members of this secret society.
Reply Fri 12 May, 2006 10:28 am
Freemasons too. In fact if the president isn't a mason, the vice president will be.

The signaturies to the declaration of independence were all masons.

The Highest ranking mason in the Whitehouse was probably Harry Truman who was 33 degree, and a master mason.
Harry Truman in his shriner attire. To be a Shriner a person must be a Mason. Shriners swear an oath to Allah on the Koran.
Day 1
Reply Fri 12 May, 2006 04:03 pm
evanman wrote:
In fact if the president isn't a mason, the vice president will be.

Shriners swear an oath to Allah on the Koran.

Wow. Now there's an interesting twist, especially in light of recent world events (the Iraqi and Afghan war... 9/11). Confused
Reply Fri 12 May, 2006 05:36 pm
Interesting that we got to the masons. I was thinking of going there next myself. There is a ministry that has been researching them for quite awhile and there is some alarming evidence against them. One of their main symbols is the baphomet, which is also the big deal for the satanists. They have horrid rituals involving beastiality amongst other things. I've had this information for so many years, the literature I have doesn't even have a web address. It is called Free the Masons ministries and the address is P.O. Box 1077 Issaquah, WA 98027. I'll have to do a search to see what is up with them.
Do what you like with this quote "A curious piece of the Masonic conspiracy puzzle in the founding of America is the actual layout for our Capital city, Washington, D.C. Actually, it's as much the audacity of the thing as the conspiratorial nature of it. You see, the city was laid out in the form of key Masonic Symbols, the Square, the Compass, the Rule and the Pentagram."

It goes on to say you can take any map of the area and pretty much just connect the dots to see these symbols. They gave an example.

Interesting......... I learned a lot helping Satanists get delivered.
Reply Sat 13 May, 2006 11:36 am
I saw an old masonic publication which had drawings of old Masonic rituals. One had a guy being hit with a chair!

one of the local head masons told me that they, "No longer sacrifice children!" he was serious.

In UK the |masons have been trying to "dechristianise" masonry.
George Washington in his regalia.
Reply Sat 13 May, 2006 12:34 pm
Eventually all the masks will be coming off as the distinctions between kingdoms are made.
Reply Sat 13 May, 2006 12:46 pm
OOPS. I wasn't logged in. The guest was me.
Peter Frouman
Reply Sat 13 May, 2006 02:44 pm
It seems there may be a few people here who have accepted as fact a lot of BS about the Masons. I would reccomend they read the
Anti-masonry Frequently Asked Questions.
Reply Sat 13 May, 2006 08:03 pm
Actually, I have found it most helpful to learn directly from former participants of the Masons.
Day 1
Reply Sat 13 May, 2006 10:00 pm
Peter Frouman wrote:
It seems there may be a few people here who have accepted as fact a lot of BS about the Masons. I would reccomend they read the
Anti-masonry Frequently Asked Questions.

What a novel idea, researching Freemasonry by visiting a Masonic website ... sort of like getting to the truth about TF by going to their websites. I would recommend they visit a few others such as: http://freemasonrywatch.org/albertpikeandkkk.html, or for the Christian, they might prefer http://www.bloomington,in.us/~lgthscac/freemasonry.htm.

The following quote is from Albert Pike, Soverign Grand Commander, A & A Scottish Rite, Alexandria, Va., 13 September, 1875.
"I took my obligations (vows) from white men, not from negroes. When I have to accept negroes as brothers or leave Masonry, I shall leave it ... I am interested to keep the Ancient and Accepted Rite uncontaminated, in our country at least, by the leprosy of negro association." Albert Pike was the head of the Supreme Council which is the controlling body of the Masonic movement worldwide.

Another fascinating commentary from the freemasonrywatch.org website reads: "Freemasonry, that is to say organized Freemasonry practice the big lie technique. More to the point organized Freemasonry has perfected the big lie technique. They term this doublespeak "diverting the discourse...The use of the term 'anti' is one of pure Orwellian rhetoric. All those who write critically of Freemasonry are 'antis' and all 'antis' are frauds, liars, zealots or extremists and cannot be accepted. Therefore there is no such thing as a legitimate work criticizing Freemasonry because by its very nature it must be 'anti' and organized Freemasonry will accept no references from 'antis' in any debate or discussion of Freemasonry." Sounds like some other folks we know, doesn't it?

And just a bit more cement for the stew, how about the conclusion of the 10th degree of the Scottish Rite oath (written by the infamous Al), "... and in failure of this my obligation, I consent to have my body opened perpendicularly, and be exposed for eight hours in the open air, that the venomous flies may eat my entrails, my head to be cut off and put on the highest pinnacle of the world and I will always be ready to inflict the same punishment on those who shall disclose this degree and break this obligation..."

You are right partially, that is, the Masons do seem to have a lot of BS.
Reply Sat 13 May, 2006 11:07 pm
Nice work, Day. Thank you for that. I'll have to research those sites.
I really wasn't sure I wanted to go here, but here I go. The Masons are satanists. There's more to it than that, but.........whether believed or not, Satan is the god of this world. The more one searches out these seemingly separate organizations the more the threads are seen in the weave. Only a handful of men run the world. Ever hear of the Illuminati?
Reply Sun 14 May, 2006 01:56 am
Peter Frouman wrote:
It seems there may be a few people here who have accepted as fact a lot of BS about the Masons. I would reccomend they read the
Anti-masonry Frequently Asked Questions.

Everything I have posted did not come from "Anti-masonic" sites, as I said, the info about the book of rituals came from a book in the archives of my local lodge, and from the masons themselves.

Albert Pike was also a leading member of the KKK.
Albert Pike Museum, House of the Temple, Washington, D.C.
Peter Frouman
Reply Sun 14 May, 2006 03:18 am
evanman wrote:
Albert Pike was also a leading member of the KKK.

You obviously didn't read the Anti-masonry FAQ in its entirety or you would realize that the claim that Albert Pike was a leading member or founder of the KKK was thoroughly discredited a long time ago.
Reply Sun 14 May, 2006 10:38 am
We shall unleash the Nihilists and Atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effects of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will be from that moment without compass, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view, a manifestation which will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.

Illustrious Albert Pike 33°
Letter 15 August 1871
Addressed to Grand Master Guiseppie Mazzini 33°
Archives British Museum
London, England

I am an Identity Christian. If I wear a shirt that has a Thor's Hammer on it, does that make me Pagan? No sir it does not

As for the title of Grand Dragon, as mentioned before, dragon's aren't just an Oriental thing. Pretty much every folk down the line of time has used the dragon at one time or another. Albert Pike was involved with Klan cermonies and rituals and such things like that. He wrote alot of stuff.

The Klan always has been, is, and forever will be a Christian fraternal order. Christianity and the Klan are inseperable.

Quote from a White spremacist Forum

The banner of the Albert Pike Klavern #2, in Rutherford, New Jersey. Confederate General Albert Pike was the chief judicial officer of the original KKK.

Ku Klux Klan: Its Origin, Growth and Disbandment, written and edited by Walter L. Fleming, incorporating earlier material by J.C. Lester and D.L. Wilson (New York and Washington: Neale Publishing Company, 1905).
Fleming disclosed and praised the kingpin role that Pike had played in the Klan's terror spree against U.S. law.(An academic darling of the eastern Anglophile elite, Fleming was considered the pre-eminent historian of Southern Reconstruction.)
Pike was the KKK's "chief judicial officer," Fleming wrote; Pike thus ruled officially over the Klan's internal disciplinary or counterintelligence department. In the KKK birth-state of Tennessee, Pike was the president of the Bar Association and publisher of the main racist newspaper.
But it was as "Sovereign Grand Commander" of the Scottish Rite, the recognized boss of the southern white freemasonic order, that Pike exercised the great clandestine power that welded the KKK together. Fleming cites Pike's masonic colleagues and Klan co-founders as the main sources for his KKK history. Pike's successor as Scottish Rite masonic Grand Commander, Congressman James Richardson, introduced the 1898 House resolution authorizing the Pike statue; Richardson had been Speaker of the Tennessee House of Representatives in the heyday of the Ku Klux Klan power in that state.


Q. Why do you use such weird titles for officers such as Grand Wizard, Grand Dragon, Exalted Cyclops, etc.?

A. The Knights does not use these titles. When the Klan was re-organized in 1915, by Col. Simmons in Stone Mountain, Georgia, he patterned the Klan after a fraternity. The early 1900's was a time of fraternities. The nation was seeing prosperous times and many fraternities sprung up around the country. Col. Simmons with the help of Albert Pike who was a great fraternalist, created for the Klan an aura of secrecy, ceremony, etc. They had odd sounding titles, secret code words, and lengthy ceremonies in which certain officers stood in certain designated spots, said certain phrases, etc. It was a fraternity much like the Odd Fellows, the Elks, the Moose Lodge, or any other. They had no unifying political goal. It was simply a fraternity for white Christians.

Frequently Asked Questions

Copyright 1995-2005, Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, Thomas Robb, national director

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