Looking for a creep
It has come to my recent attention about the particularly perverted behavior of a Japanese disciple in the cult during the 80's and 90's. I have heard from more than one source about his sexual deviancy and behavior towards a number of young girls, I have heard about this not just from the girls themselves but from other SGAs who were in the same childcare group and who knew what this man was up to.
I am trying to follow his tracks as he traveled through the Family in Japan, and any information, memories or help would be much appreciated, as well as personal information about him. Here is what I have so far. Feel free to leave the information here or to write me personally at:
[email protected].
Thank you! If any Family people reading this would like to contribute information regarding this, I would particularly like to hear from:
Ginny Rudow (long-time teen shepherd at HCS, who later heard about this incident from one of the girls)
Abner (Chris--long-time CRO in Japan, moved to US in 90's)
Josiah (long-time CRO in Japan, moved to Africa)
Ezra Rudow (long-time leader in Japan during that time and after)
Maggie/Lori Yamaguchi
Ricky (long-time HCS teen shepherd)
Elaine (long-time HCS teen shepherd who spoke to one
of the victims regarding an incident of rape)
Ado (one of original HCS teen shepherds)
Peter (married to Karen Zerby--shepherd at HCS during
this time period)
Any of the Japanese local leaders at the time, or Osaka local leaders at the time (sorry, I don't know who this would be)
Joseph and Heaven (teachers who took over the FLAMES group after the above man had been there)
Martin O (brother of Ricky, who spoke to one of the victims about an instance of rape)
Esther Berg (who spoke to one of the victims about an instance of rape
And of course any of the SGAs who were in the HCS "FLAMES" group and witnessed child molestations and rapes. Anyone at the Osaka School who knew about the about instances of sexual abuse.
Family Name: Japanese Levi AKA Dust (married to Japanese Joy)
Legal Name: Unknown, but would like to know
Description: Japanese Male, middle aged, wore thick
Lived in (besides other places):
-- Kamakura Lim (Childcare overseer)
-- HCS School (Childcare group)
-- Osaka School (Childcare)
Known offenses:
Responsible for the extensive, severe and long-term molesting and rape of at least one child (aged between 7-8) at the HCS during his time there in (88?).
Responsible for the molestation and sexually inappropriate behavior toward other young girls in the same group (ages 6-8). Also knocked several children unconscious with "the cobra" or his fist.
Was at some point demoted to babe's status due to his sexual behavior with minors, though exactly what he was caught and punished for is not clear.
There is some confusion here as he seems to have been excommunicated (or put on babes status) and later reinstated as a full time member. He was recently (within the last few years) excommed for his sexual tendencies with minors, at least this is what I heard, though it may be a rumor. I would like to know exactly what he was kicked out for, and the year.
Information desired:
1. Legal Name
2. Where anyone remembers living with him and if
possible the year/month
3. Why he was excommunicated and what city he was in
when it happened
4. Shepherd at the time
5. Why he was sent from the HCS to Osaka, and later
demoted to babe's status
6. Is his wife Joy still in the group, if so, where? I do not want to harass her in any way or form, but I
would like to contact her and ask her for his legal
name. That much would make me happy.
7. A photo if anyone has one
If any Family people are reading this, this is a straightforward request for your help in uncovering the truth about what a man did to the children in his care. These children were supposed to be protected, they weren't. Please don't play the 'dumb' game or ignore this request. As long as this man is free more children are likely to suffer sexual molestation or
rape. Pedophilia is an illness and must be treated. Levi AKA Dust is a repeat offender and must not be allowed to be around young girls, in or out of The Family. I am applealing to you to help protect more children from being hurt.
Thank you.