Thu 15 Sep, 2005 06:47 pm
URUGUAY, early 1990s
Last months of 1989 in the newspaper LA REPUBLICA there was an investigation about the sect CHILDREN OF GOD, and also about lesbianism in UFO cult MISION RAMA.
However, I don´t think that there was legal or police action.
in early 90s when I was about to give a dossier to the DNII ,DireccionNacional de Información e Inteligencia (intelligence branch of the police,something like FBI),there was an order from the authorities to "dont bohter that people", and they refused my dossier (in those times, I was a naval reservist someway connected with military intelligence,due to my hobbie of knowing about religions and cults).
Did something legal happened in Uruguay ?
it was in 1991 or 1992, well before the argentinian scandal of 1993