Sun 13 Mar, 2005 09:47 pm
Ricky Rodriguez memorial site by The Family
I learned from the exfamily genx forum that TF just posted a Ricky memorial site:
As noted on exfamily, I imagine the decision to post photos of Zerby on the memorial site was probably influenced to some degree by the fact that we already have recent photos of her up...
"Stealing" pix from them
So, they have "Copyrighted" the photos they have on . . . do you think we could post them on this site anyway?
Depending on how many you sample it would be covered under fair use.
It's disgusting
They really are warped, aren't they? I mean, they are the ones who caused that young man so much pain that the only way he could concieve to stop it was by taking his own life! I am so saddened by the life and death or Ricky Rodriguez, but as a silver lining, people are starting to become aware of just how sick TF is.
With articles in Rolling Stones, People, etc most of the world is finally learning about the Family.
It is so awful that most x-cog/x fam members are living with depression and anxiety and addiction problems. Please, please turn your fury and distruction away from yourself, away from the people who really care about you, and back at TF!
I have an idea. I'm not sure if it is a good one, but I think that more media coverage is necessary. If you have stories of abuse and are haunted to this day call oprah, Dr. Phil, the Today Show, and other popular programs. We need more coverage if we want to get the message out that The Family is screwed up, it's not ok, and those who have managed to break away from it need support emotionally, psychologically, and they need help getting jobs and education and help raising their children in a normal way. We need a culture that recognizes that x-family members are brave and not to blame for the things that happened in their childhoods.
Please don't be ashamed to step forward. All of us together can be much stronger than one might think.
Yep, sure--"Copyright"
Guess they've forgot about "Fair Use"!
Go Xfamily--Go. Publish as much as you can get hold of.
media attracting MORE attention
OMG i have jus watched Cutting Edge: Cult Killer in the Uk about the life and suicide of Ricky Rodiguez. I am sooo shocked by whats went on that I immediately staerted surfing the net and came acoss this site which in turn led me to TF's site. I dunno how good an idea it is advertising their site through comments like "rickey rodiguez memorial by the family" cuz there is alot of vulnerable ppl around who may easily fall under their spell!!But by makin this comment I too am advertising it, so I dunno!! But u are sooo right about media interest needin to be generated! The family contradict themselves soooo much. Their site is full of letters (from family and ex familymembers) stating that if anyone says there was abuse within the family they are talkin crap. One guy goes as far to say he was friends for yrs with Ricky and that it was mixing with society which made Rickythe kind of person that murdered someone and took his own life!! So why did the family BAN child sex in 1988 if it DIDN't happen???????!!!
Re: media attracting MORE attention
trixy18 wrote:I dunno how good an idea it is advertising their site through comments like "rickey rodiguez memorial by the family" cuz there is alot of vulnerable ppl around who may easily fall under their spell!!But by makin this comment I too am advertising it, so I dunno!!
There is another memorial Web site for Ricky Rodriguez created by his wife and friends at
Re: media attracting MORE attention
WalkerJ wrote:trixy18 wrote:I dunno how good an idea it is advertising their site through comments like "rickey rodiguez memorial by the family" cuz there is alot of vulnerable ppl around who may easily fall under their spell!!But by makin this comment I too am advertising it, so I dunno!!
There is another memorial Web site for Ricky Rodriguez created by his wife and friends at
Truly moving.