The Family on MovingOn, Exfamily & NewDayNews

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Reply Sat 21 May, 2005 03:45 pm
The Family on MovingOn, Exfamily & NewDayNews
Just saw the following while skimming through GN 1062 (from Dec 2003):

    [b]Update on Former Member Web Sites[/b] 167. ([url=][u]Peter[/u][/url]:) Thank the Lord for the power of intercessory prayer and the key of destiny that we can claim for our loved ones who have chosen another path in their lives. The Lord has said that this is vital to their transition, in conjunction with the decisions they personally make. In sharing the following update and overview of the former member Web sites, we pray it will give you a better understanding of why the Lord has asked us not to access these sites‚ as well as how His promises still hold true as we hold onto our loved ones in prayer. By [url=][u]Marc[/u][/url] and [url=][u]Claire[/u][/url], North America 168. The Internet has changed the face of ex-member activity for just about every religious group or church, by pulling former members together into a "cyber-community," which has recently developed into a new area of study in the field of sociology. This can be a very positive tool for support and goals. But sad to say, in some cases it has had the effect of creating negative peer pressure--not only toward the Family, but also toward Christianity. The anonymity of the Web also lends itself to people feeling free to exaggerate‚ say outrageous things, and more, that they normally wouldn't. However, when we have corresponded with individuals from the ex-member boards, the interaction has generally been quite cordial and of a very different tone. It becomes clear that a good percentage of the postings are not fully representative of most former members, as is the case in secular chat rooms. 169. There are currently three active ex–member Web sites (this is actually a very small number, TTL, as there are hundreds of anti-Scientology sites). One is mostly frequented by former FGAs, many of whom discuss theology, world events, etc.--some of whom see current events and Bible interpretation through Dad's teachings, and most through a Biblical, Christian perspective. Another site is also mostly FGAs, but is quite antagonistic and tends to be counter-cult--in other words, their arguments are mostly religion-based--but has only a small core of posters, and not a very wide presence or impact. 170. The third site is only for former SGAs, and though its stated goal was to assist young people to "move on," sad to say, any kind of faith-based comments or positive comments written by former members about the Family is anathema on this site. So there isn't room for dialogue or debate. Their basic "theology" is that they are all victims of abuse one way or another because of their upbringing, and every child should be brought up in the System, rigidly conforming to its standards and norms. It tends to consider the System the ultimate, and anything radical, dropped–out, or not in line with the System is a kind of evil. As you can imagine, this is an unhealthy environment for young people struggling to adapt and maintain their faith and the Christian principles of their upbringing. Believing themselves to be victims, undereducated and deprived, is not a very positive outlook on life and can inhibit them using the training and education they have received. 171. We have seen, however, in analyzing their membership roster, that by far the majority of their posters have done quite well in their work and job careers, and in most cases have not been handicapped at all in entering the workforce or higher education. Most have been able to build successful careers or enter into higher education with little difficulty beyond the norm, and many have achieved above and beyond the law of averages for the population at large. 172. We're sure this is in answer to the desperate prayers of their loved ones, so let's all keep the prayers flowing for them. At a recent academic conference, the Family was noted as a group that has been willing to make changes for the sake of its young people and has sought to reach out and be tolerant toward their former members. 173. Thank the Lord that despite the challenges, the Family can be this testimony of love and faith through His wonder–working keys! "Call on the keys of love, unity and reconciliation, and I will release My Spirit on you and your loved ones to bring about the fruits of the spirit."
news snoop
Reply Sat 21 May, 2005 05:56 pm
my thoughts
I have a question... which site is more "counter cultish", NDN or exfamily? It's funny how they interperet things.
The GN stated that
"their arguments are mostly religion-based--but has only a small core of posters, and not a very wide presence or impact"

I think that's not accurate... most exers or potential exers don't "post", they only come to read the sites. There are a smaller number of "hardcore' posters... the exer-site junkies... Laughing
Eddie 2
Reply Tue 9 Aug, 2005 05:42 pm
Marc and Claire
Marc and Claire's double talk is so transparent. They are puting themselves up as clean, pure and knowlegable, respectable people when they are two of the most ornery child abusesrs there are. Marc a child whipper, and pedophile, and Claire a pedophile. who only says what she is told to say.
They had to get someone tough in there, someone who would not back down when cornered by reporters and TV people. They are tough, and hard, and that is why they are handling the PR. Someone soft that has a tender heart for people could not handle it. You have to be a tough, callosed, hard boiled type of person , with not much of a counscience, not much concern for others except to preserve the leadership,(and their own position) They will fight for what they beleive, and that is, if they screw up they will be out on the streets like a lot of Family missionaries are having to raise their own support by selling the CDs and books like the main stream Family has to do, sothey want to make sure they do exactly what they are told otherwise they will be replaced. I know because I was in positions of authority and I got replaced MANY times when I did not do exactly as I was told, or had a different opinion. They are not doing it out of love or even dedication, but fear . Fear of losing their position and status they are revelling in now, way up there on the top of the Family PR totem pole.
Thorwald 1
Reply Tue 9 Aug, 2005 06:58 pm
Now I am offended! Marc and Claire, why haven't you mentioned our site, Get with the program people!

Also, why haven't you received any prophecies on who exactly "Skanska" is? You know, the guy you accused of posting your ultra-secret communications all over former-member websites? I'll give you a big hint . . . Skanska hasn't visited one of your homes in many, many years. So, you were WAY off!! Try again.

Freaking false prophets!
WalkerJ 1
Reply Tue 9 Aug, 2005 07:03 pm
Thorwald wrote:
Also, why haven't you received any prophecies on who exactly "Skanska" is?

When you guys do find out (through prophecy, the grapevine, or however), please let me know. I'd like to send him a good bottle of champagne.
Reply Wed 10 Aug, 2005 02:39 am
Skanska isn't related to hong kong Goolagong perchance?
Jack 2
Reply Wed 10 Aug, 2005 01:38 pm
Skanska isn't related to hong kong Goolagong perchance?

Yes. Skanska IS HKG!
Reply Thu 17 Aug, 2006 07:49 am
Who the heck is hong kong goolagong?
Monger 1
Reply Thu 17 Aug, 2006 05:22 pm
Reply Fri 18 Aug, 2006 11:29 am
Hong Kong Goolagong was a name that was made up. The name Goolagong is an Australian aboriginal name. It was the family name of one of Australia's most famous lady tennis players.
Evonne Goolagong Cawley, a Wiradjuri Aborigine, is one of Australia ’s most successful tennis players and the first Australian Aboriginal to win Wimbledon.

Goolagong was a female demon! We couldn't even dream up a thing like that, it's so far out!

Source: "Hong Kong Goolagong!–The Battle of the Bosoms!" (ML 980) — by David Berg, 1981-03-26, Parag;110

Funny that this demon is supposed to be female, yet appears to be male on the cover!

berg claimed that most aborigianis live around Darwin, well they are spread all over Australia, as can be seen from the map on:

Berg got it wrong yet again.
Reply Fri 16 Mar, 2007 01:16 pm
How nice for Marc and Clare that they are able to determine the success of the posters of movingon and how it was achieved just by "analyzing...[movingon's]...membership roster".

Now that’s a research tool that would be very handy.
Reply Sat 17 Mar, 2007 09:07 am
evanman wrote:
Berg got it wrong yet again.

It´s incredible how the "infallibility" doctrine was preached to us, albeit indirectly, "If you don´t believe he´s God´s Endtime Prophet, I feel sorry for you, you´re out of God´s Will", etc....
Reply Mon 16 Apr, 2007 06:39 pm
Re: The Family on MovingOn, Exfamily & NewDayNews
Monger wrote:

171. We have seen, however, in analyzing their membership roster, that by far the majority of their posters have done quite well in their work and job careers, and in most cases have not been handicapped at all in entering the workforce or higher education. Most have been able to build successful careers or enter into higher education with little difficulty beyond the norm, and many have achieved above and beyond the law of averages for the population at large.

Ugh! How dare they tout our successes as demonstration of a good upbringing. I struggled for years far beyond the norm to get where I am today. They can take no credit for that.

However, they can take full credit for the nights I felt suicidal, all alone having been cast out by my own family because I wanted to live a normal life. The nights when my abuses came back to haunt me beyond what I can bare. The many days I put myself in grave danger in the hopes that my miserable life would be put to a quick end. The countless relationships and friendships I lost because I couldn't talk about my past for so long. To all that they may take full credit.

The fact that I've been able to pull myself back together, and with help of a very few compassionate souls in this "system" is nothing for them to be proud of. That is my personal victory over them.
Cookie 2
Reply Tue 17 Apr, 2007 07:18 pm
Angry, i feel for you. Crying or Very sad and i understand your anger. i am upset by that comment too becuase altho i can't complain about the job i got shortly after leaving (nothing extraordinary either), it was because need of food and shelter kicked in. i left with $0 in my pocket. Survival skills kicked in, and with a little rewording and luck i got in the door. instead of missionary it was humanitarian aid worker to avoid giving away which group, instead of no school, it was home school and a fine international university (belivable, because i do not live in that country and records are not something they can verify) and i happen to be convincing when i am desperate, hungry and scared. i don't want to presume, but if any other of my peers have been in my type of situation, i think a few or many white or black lies have gotten us our current work, success or education. Sadly! Sad
m 2
Reply Wed 18 Apr, 2007 12:01 pm
Yep, I've had to lie about a few things too in order to give myself at least some semblance of normality
Reply Tue 14 Aug, 2007 03:32 pm
Cookie wrote:
Angry, i feel for you. Crying or Very sad and i understand your anger. i am upset by that comment too becuase altho i can't complain about the job i got shortly after leaving (nothing extraordinary either), it was because need of food and shelter kicked in. i left with $0 in my pocket. Survival skills kicked in, and with a little rewording and luck i got in the door. instead of missionary it was humanitarian aid worker to avoid giving away which group, instead of no school, it was home school and a fine international university (belivable, because i do not live in that country and records are not something they can verify) and i happen to be convincing when i am desperate, hungry and scared. i don't want to presume, but if any other of my peers have been in my type of situation, i think a few or many white or black lies have gotten us our current work, success or education. Sadly! Sad
I have some advantage where I live though (Brazil) but that's easy since the public education system sucks here. (most people can't even point out Peru on a map) :XD
Reply Thu 11 Oct, 2007 08:37 am
I owe nothing to them
I can't believe that they feel that they should take any credit for where I am today. I spent years struggling just to survive when I left. Their education in no way perpares you for life, just simple things like writing a a check and balancing a bank account. The only one who got me where i am today is me along with help from long suffering relitives.
Reply Mon 9 Feb, 2009 03:22 pm
Re: The Family on MovingOn, Exfamily & NewDayNews
They try to take credit if we've managed to stay alive, but should anything go awry it's our fault. They're such cop-outs with romans 8:28 being their favourite, I've heard it so many times. If things haven't worked out well, then we obviously haven't loved the lord enough. What lilly-livered cowards! It makes me sometimes wish there was a heaven and hell, so Berg can get spit-roasted by satan and saddam hussein with a millstone tied around his neck! They however believe he's on the right hand of jesus, advising him on the intricacies of incest or busying himself checking on peoples larders, to see if they're using white sugar. Talk about delusions of grandeur! The mind boggles. At least we know he didn't go peacefully, but rather wracked in pain from his alcoholism. His grave is unmarked for a good reason, they know it would turn into a mecca for many who would like to take a dump on it. Zerby can't be far behind him, riddled as her body is with VD. PTL! Rolling Eyes

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