Re: JPusa
Thanks Aquino!
My e-mail is
[email protected] if you wish to dialogue off-site.
Trott has been silent on all his blogs since Sept., '09. This isn't unusual though since the JPUSA defenders/top dogs tend to be horrible at maintaining and sticking with blogs they start up. Eric Pement - although he left JPUSA several years ago, yet continues to endorse the cult - has posted anything for years on his blog and myspace sites. To me, it's just one indication of the undisciplined lives the defenders/lap dogs/leadertwits live. Meanwhile, the cult chews up and spits out souls.
What Dawn Mortimer ( "Momma Dawg', oops!, "Momma Dawn") and her band of leadership freaks need is a good old fashioned IRS audit.
They've been milking and robbing the city, state and Federal government just like the Fundamentalists Mormons in the Southwest/West.