Re: Can someone please help me?
D wrote:You dont have to b in a cult to be abused her father may have done it even if yous werent in the family, just love and support your daughter but rememebr you may feel bad for what has happend to your daughter but imagin what she feels she went through it you must stay strong for her as i am sure u will i send you both my love and thoughts x
No, you dont have to be in a cult to be abused by someone who should love you platonically not sexualy, but what people who are not familiar with the cult don't realise is the difference between cases of abuse in and outside of a cult.
In most cases of sexual abuse commited againt a minor, the perpetrator is a family member. A parent, relative or friend of the family. the child is usually threatened in some manner to keep quiet and not tell anyone, to hide it from the people the child loves and respects, immediatly allowing the child to recognise that what's happening is WRONG.
However, in the cult it was completely different. They dismantled the family unit of parent and child, essentialy giving ownership of the children to the cult Leadership.Combined with total isolation from any other information or influence other than cult doctrine. One of their CENTRAL doctrines being that Sex with minors is deemed ok by God himself spoken through the "Prophet" David Berg.
Imagine now the helplessness and state of confusion a young child being sexualy abused in an environment where EVERYBODY tells them that not only is this abuse OK, but also that it is commited out of Love. And any child or adult complaining of said abuse was SEVERELY punished, usually publicly humilated and broken down before being isolated and punished further. Often combined with acusations of Demon Possesion and traumatic exorcisms.
These were NOT a few isolated incidents... it was the NORM.
After they allegedly made it an official policy that sexual abuse was all of a sudden not ok in the mid '80s, it was unofically understood by ALL members that offical policy was only policy to appease the "Systemites" (similar concept to the gentiles of the jewish faith) or government officials who weren't open minded enough to recieve "The Word" (A term given to Bergs ramblings). After this it became VERY popular in the group to commit all manner of abuse except sexual, (although the sexual abuse continued just not openly) in an attempt to instill a fear of talking to Outside Authorities. An organised crime in my opinion. This organised terror campaign (begining with Mene) sadly prevented hundreds of children (including myself) from testifying against them in court during the many legal procedings brought against the cult.
Anyways, my heart goes out to you and your family and I know that anything the future holds in store for you will be infinitly better than if you hadn't made the extremly admirable and difficult choice of leaving the cult and giving your children a REAL loving and caring home.