Is abuse still widespread?
This forum is new to me, as, to be honest is the whole topic of TFI. It's something that I have learned about only recently. Please forgive the naivete in this story, but it's important and I really am interested to know your opinion on this, so bear with me....
I recently, unknowingly, spent time at a TFI house in Thailand, where I was sent by a friend who was under the impression that these people were straight up Christian missionaries. I was in Thailand with my girlfriend to do some aid work in the south and was pointed to these people, as my friend knew that they worked down there and were planning a trip. Long story short... we wound up spending 10 days with these guys at their compound and in southern Thailand, and met their kids (6 at the compound, and 11 in another family). Of course we got the full court "Jesus press" for the time we were there but dismissed it as over-zealous prosyletizers at work, until the day we were leaving, when I got the full story on who they were. I've been doing quite a bit of reading for the past few days since I got back and I have a real concern for the kids in that family. On the surface they seemed fairly well adjusted, great kids, and my girlfriend and I became very fond of them as we all were together for the full 10 days and spent a lot of time working and playing together. But, even before we knew about the Family connection, there were things that bothered us about how the parents interacted with them, how sleeping arrangements were made (for instance there was always one parent sleeping in each in the kids' rooms - obviously with multiple kids to a room - either at hotels or in the home), the way one of the girls in particular seemed to become more isolated and depressed during the trip but would not talk about it, and about the parents' apparent willingness to leave the kids alone with us for hours on end - people that they had never met before (maybe we just give off that "trustworthy" vibe

My question is this: Are the abuses of the past still occurring, and are they as prevalent within TFI as they once were? Is there a need to be concerned about these kids, and if so, is there anything that can be reasonably done about it?
I'm sure this sounds naive, and I'm sure it's a concern that's been reflected by thousands of related people in the past, but I'd appreciate any input you may have.