Re: The Family
Cookie wrote:i think most of us who left are too. i know i am. i wouldn't have what i do or be who i am today if i hadn't. and i love my life right now.

Glad things are good for you, "Cookie". :wink: Things were real hard for awhile for me, but I've been out a very long time and they are much better now. I always wanted to travel around the world. That is a very attractive thing to Youth and not many people get to do that but I do wish that traveling in my youth was not part of being on a mission from (not)God.

I particularly thought Switzerland was a beautiful country. Loved the "old town" parts of towns. One of my faves to visit was Solothurn.
I'd love to have been a part of the real world and not litnessing or singing s)))y fam songs or juke box folkies, but sitting at an outdoor cafe and sketching the amazing architecture of the old town there. OMG, the drudgery in the midst of such a beautiful place in the world. Didn't even get the photos. Lost them in my many many moves.
But I do have my family now and that is something I treasure greatly!
Not the fake family where my experience was that people couldn't get too close without risk of separation, bonds broken, and family of origin was scattered or secondary to the false profit. I really didn't get too close to people while in. That was my situation before joining and while in. I found life after leaving. I do have people I liked while in and a few are in my life via e-mail. Those few were people I met while in and remembered from those days. GT I remembered of course! It was quite the scene. Don't worry Gabriel, I think God Squad or the sts of L.A. could have been as bad! So like a person in pain finds heroin and it's a relief at first and then sucks the last breath out of you, I found the family and then got off of it.