More mulling- about who was really in control...
I've just recently learned about the CoG and TFI after the recent Montel Williams show, finding these online sites and seeing Ricky Rodriguez' (Davidito's) story. How incredibly tragic. I spent a good part of this past week reading MO letters and wondering where that old reprobate
would have led everyone if he could have gotten away with every twisted desire of his heart. It was bad enough as it was.
I've seen other posts that speculate that Karen Zerby was really manipulating the direction of the group from early on, and I must agree.
I don't know if anyone's ever assessed how demented

Berg sounds in some of those tomes when he's asking her for wine, and experiencing succubus or alcohol induced dementia, but she did not protect him from being seen that way in print- when it was quite within her power to do so! Yes, she was compelled by the politics of the situation to report the goddesses and the other things he "saw", but all of that could have been written so much differently. Think about it! In a strange way, I think she was fascinated by seeing how people would follow Berg to the lowest levels of human behavior.
The masterful "spinning" of the most demonic ideas I have ever come across into the "law of love" was something she and a handful of others reveled in. This woman, and the others that have worked their way into power in the Family, are nothing if not conniving, manipulative power whores. That, however is not exclusively a CoG talent- other women do it too, but most do not do it in a toxic goldfish bowl which kills their offspring. There was nothing "sweet" about this "lady" at all. I've seen these traits in every small town power maven who thinks they know it all and are going to make you pay if you oppose them. They use sex when they're young... money or secondhand power when they're older. They prey upon the nostalgia of the "good old days".
It is
my conclusion that Zerby did indeed play the part of the obedient mind/sex/procurer/slave for the privilege of demanding obedience from others who saw Berg as a prophet. But, she did get some revenge, even in the midst of it all, by letting him sound like an ranting and obscene idiot. Perhaps she let Sara do most of the child-rearing of Ricky because she was too truly guilty to face her own motherhood, and then capped it off with the episodes that TFI insists never happened.
Well, the final musing is a question I ask of my relatively normal friends who follow the ministries of one or two women with a groupie-like devotion; what are you going to do when so and so dies? Until we place ourselves as responsible for our choices, we are prey for any speech-making, messiah complexed man or woman who wants us to work for their living.