The chickens! -- That definitely rings a bell!!! I think I had to do something related to those chickens at some stage -- possibly something rather arduous like cleaning up the shed...
I have always liked cooking, but there was a girl who ran the kitchen for a time there that I do not have particularly fond memories of. Thankfully, she did not change my mind about cooking. I don´t remember her name, and frankly, I don´t particularly care to...
I spent nearly a year in the UK prior to going to Spain -- in London, where we were greeted by Faithy, Aaron, Shulemith, Samson, that Italian Duke guy, etc. , but mostly in the North: Leeds & Liverpool. I was also in Edinburgh for a time. Pretty place, Scotland. In Liverpool, we stayed in the back of the Liverpool Chinese Church -- which burnt down! -- fortunately, after we decided to move elsewhere. I remember we lived under the caretaker´s flat -- his wife had two cousins who were always playing T. Rex full-blast -- we didn´t get much sleep there!!!
evanman wrote:Names do ring a bell.
The elderly valenciano used to do a lot of stuff around the house. He had a motor bike which he, being the only one who could ride it, was allowed to use.
I remember him taking some of us out in a horse and cart looking for fire wood.
One time there was a massive fall of soot from the kitchen chimney, when i was away. I remember getting the blame for it for not keeping the chimney clean--although it was not something i had ever been instructed in. A couple of us had to clean all the pans till they were shining, which was hard--after years of accrueing caked on blackness!
I used to feed and water the chickens, always got electric shocks from the primative wiring in the chicken shed. Also, I used to loved hiding away with the rabbits.
Sorry, I don't have any photos from that period of my life, there may be some out there, i don't know.