Tue 15 Jun, 2021 11:14 am
Hello, I'm wondering if the Rise International website didn't get hacked.
I clicked on the link I found in the xfamily website ( and just found a weird page, all written in Hebrew. Although I do not know this language, I tried to translate it online and what is written doesn't make any sense if I believe what I have read. It might be becaue of the low quality translator, but, even if we don't mind that, I should mention that finding a youtube link for a cooking video ( a website which is supposed to be about cults is unexpected and I don't understand how it is possible.
There is another link ,, which is also a page in Hebrew and isn't related in any way to the website's subject. I doubt the actual website I am looking for would be in Hebrew while it is supposed to be something international. Maybe you only made a mistake in the link, and I hope so, but it might also be about a possible hack. I think I needed to let you know. I am sorry if I only misunderstood something about this website.