Loved ones

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Reply Fri 14 Apr, 2006 01:32 am
Loved ones
1970 to 1975 COG. I just want to send all my love and prayers to my brothers and sisters and say I miss you all. I'm alright, the Lord has been good to me. I don't know much about what happened after my depart but all I can say is praise the Lord for all the good he did for me and others
through our ministry. You were all so beautiful. God bless and keep.
Reply Wed 19 Jul, 2006 12:21 pm
Re: Loved ones
Amplias wrote:
1970 to 1975 COG. I just want to send all my love and prayers to my brothers and sisters and say I miss you all. I'm alright, the Lord has been good to me. I don't know much about what happened after my depart but all I can say is praise the Lord for all the good he did for me and others
through our ministry. You were all so beautiful. God bless and keep.

This wouldn´t be the Amplias I knew in Ellenville and Barcelona? The one who sang, (and wrote, I think) "...runnin´through my life, I thought I could find -- something to bring me some peace of mind -- but my dreams were shattered and my tears they did flow, found myself on the crossroads wonderin´which way to go -- tell me nonononono, doesn´t anybody know....", etc. The guy with that dark and very curly hair? Wondered what happened to you. As you can see, I´m still around. Not in TF, however.
All the best, "bro".... :wink:
Reply Wed 19 Jul, 2006 04:44 pm
I was wondering if you're the same Amplias too!
Reply Sat 9 Sep, 2006 06:54 am
It's me
Very Happy It's me I joined in L.A. in '71 then went to Ellenville, Providence, Boston,
Long Island, Cape Cod, and other place that I forgot the names of. Then I was sent to Italy, Spain, Portugal, back to Spain and finally to France.
I can remember your names but can't seem to put faces on 'em, maybe you guys can refresh my memory.
I left the Familly in '75 just before things started to degenerate, so I missed all the weird stuff.
I'm fine, living a peaceful life. Things were hard for a while not having qualifications, money, home etc., but I geuss I left just in time.
I'll come back to see what you guys have to say so don't hesitate to write.
Reply Sat 9 Sep, 2006 07:12 am
Re: It's me
Amplias wrote:
Very Happy It's me I joined in L.A. in '71 then went to Ellenville, Providence, Boston,
Long Island, Cape Cod, and other place that I forgot the names of. Then I was sent to Italy, Spain, Portugal, back to Spain and finally to France.
I can remember your names but can't seem to put faces on 'em, maybe you guys can refresh my memory.
I left the Familly in '75 just before things started to degenerate, so I missed all the weird stuff.
I'm fine, living a peaceful life. Things were hard for a while not having qualifications, money, home etc., but I geuss I left just in time.
I'll come back to see what you guys have to say so don't hesitate to write.

OK, I´ll try to refresh your memory. I first saw you in Ellenville, but I don´t think you remember me from there. We were together in the Barcelona colony. I remember you really liking "Lacoste" polos and as soon as you had a little money from litnessing, you bought a brown one. I was that American guy from Texas, with kinda long, ash-blond hair and glasses. Back then, Nehemiah, blond-haired guy with a moustache, was in charge of the colony, along with his wife, but I can´t remember her name offhand. You and I went on a number of trips together to places like Tarrasa, Sabadell, Vich, etc. (BTW, those names have changed to the Catalan form since then). I think we went to Zaragoza together on one or two occasions, too. We stayed in a hostal there with one or two other members, one of which was an American girl who I have fond memories of. But in Barcelona, you may remember Estrella and her younger sister who were "catacumbas", Texan Ecclesiastes who later married Estrella, Angel (a sister from Sabadell), and the leader of the "catacumbas", whose name, for the life of me, I can´t remember! I did a few duos on guitar with you, if you remember! I remember you being quite good with the guitar, and a gifted singer as well.
- Piram
P.S. I got married and had a couple of kids (outside TF), who are now adults and doing quite nicely, one in Europe and the other in the U.S.A. I left TF in Jan 1977 with my wife.
Reply Sat 9 Sep, 2006 09:25 am
old friends
Hey Piram,
Nice to here from someone that remembers those days in Spain. Do you remember a dear friend of mine from Barcelona, her name was Coré. I've
always wondered what happened to her after I left. There was a brother there with curly brown hair that I spent alot of time with but I can't remember his name. I think he was Canadien. Anyway in those days I don't think my feet ever touched ground being always worried about witnessing quotas.
Glad to hear your alright. I'm still singing and playing the guitar since it was the only way I could make a living. How bout you? What are you up to?
Are you still in Europe or back in the states? I'm still in Europe. Didn't have anything to go back to in America. I'll save some for later.
It is nice to hear from you.
Reply Sat 9 Sep, 2006 10:00 am
Re: old friends
Amplias wrote:
Hey Piram,
Nice to here from someone that remembers those days in Spain. Do you remember a dear friend of mine from Barcelona, her name was Coré. I've
always wondered what happened to her after I left. There was a brother there with curly brown hair that I spent alot of time with but I can't remember his name. I think he was Canadien. Anyway in those days I don't think my feet ever touched ground being always worried about witnessing quotas.
Glad to hear your alright. I'm still singing and playing the guitar since it was the only way I could make a living. How bout you? What are you up to?
Are you still in Europe or back in the states? I'm still in Europe. Didn't have anything to go back to in America. I'll save some for later.
It is nice to hear from you.

Oh, I went back to the States and worked there for a time, then decided to go back to Spain, where I teach English and translate. I´m afraid the last I heard about Coré, through a Spanish friend who ran into her, was many years ago, and it wasn´t particularly good -- my friend told me she was a prostitute in Barcelona -- but I haven´t actually seen her myself since those days. I seem to remember her as being involved with the whole "Father David in Tenerife" business -- as was a Catalan guy who I think you remember who worked as a shepherd before joining TF -- I remember seeing him in a group photo of David Berg in Tenerife. That photo came out originally in the Spanish magazine Interviu, and is probably one of the most seen photos of TF in the world. Yes, Coré was that sweet girl with a sweet voice and large eyes...I can just visualize her batting those long eyelashes. I seem to remember that her family was a poor one from Murcia, but she had lived in Cataluña for some time when she met TF and knew some Catalan. She had a great love for her mother, who, she told me, worked very hard to take care of her children and meet their needs.
Oh yeah, there was a Norwegian girl, very tall, at that colony -- can´t remember her name, though. I remember the poor thing had grown so quickly and tall at a young age that she had to have surgery on her legs to keep her from stretching too much, or something like that...
Ah, yes!!! That "catacumbas" leader´s name was "Se-lah" -- she was a sweet girl, too -- her folks had an apartment in Sitges, and I remember meeting up with her on the beach near there.
Reply Sat 9 Sep, 2006 10:42 am
That's a really sad story about Coré. She was so sweet and kind. I can remember Nehemiah and his wife, they were the first shepards in Barcelona.
He also was a good friend. There was a couple from Ellenville that I never heard about again since I left for Europe, maybe you knew them, Isreal and Misha. I think they went to Puerto Rico. There were so many good people that I met back then, it's a shame to have lost track of them all. Do you still see people that you knew? I haven't run into anyone either that's in or out of the family. You seem to have a little more news than I do. When I joined in L.A. my girl friend joined with me and I haven't heard of her since. Her name was Ataliah in L.A. and then Tirzah later when she went to Germany or Holland I don't know which. It's hard not having any news from those that you miss. Thanks for discussing all this with me, I haven't had any contact
with people that knew me or that I knew.
Reply Sat 9 Sep, 2006 11:17 am
Re: Piram
Amplias wrote:
That's a really sad story about Coré. She was so sweet and kind. I can remember Nehemiah and his wife, they were the first shepards in Barcelona.
He also was a good friend. There was a couple from Ellenville that I never heard about again since I left for Europe, maybe you knew them, Isreal and Misha. I think they went to Puerto Rico. There were so many good people that I met back then, it's a shame to have lost track of them all. Do you still see people that you knew? I haven't run into anyone either that's in or out of the family. You seem to have a little more news than I do. When I joined in L.A. my girl friend joined with me and I haven't heard of her since. Her name was Ataliah in L.A. and then Tirzah later when she went to Germany or Holland I don't know which. It's hard not having any news from those that you miss. Thanks for discussing all this with me, I haven't had any contact
with people that knew me or that I knew.

Feel free to e-mail me if you wish. Oh yeah, I remember Israel. I liked him -- a bit of a "rough diamond" at times, but a nice guy. And Misha was sweet. Last I saw of them was 72 at Boston. Well, I can´t remember whether the colony was in Cambridge or Boston, but in that area. Remember when we were snowed in at Ellenville? What a snowstorm, Christmas 1971! I think you may remember Jesse from South Africa. He´s still in Spain, with no intention of going back to S.A. to live -- although he has been there for a visit or two. There was a translator at that big house near San Sadurni, named Baruch, that I got back in touch with. Baruch lives now in Tucson. I still go back to the States for visits, but I spend more time travelling to Germany, which is where my daughter and her husband live. I don´t think I ever met your girlfriend Tirzah. BTW, about Coré -- remember, the news I had about her was through a friend, and things could well have changed considerably by now. -- Let´s hope it was for the better.
Reply Sat 9 Sep, 2006 12:06 pm
Thanks Piram, I'll send you an E-mail and we'll keep in touch. Have to sign out now but I'm looking forward to talking with you again.
Reply Sat 9 Sep, 2006 01:45 pm
Hi Amplias.

Remember me, "Psalms" was the name I went by in CoG/TF.

We were in Malaga and had left our gear at two girl's house. When we went back to get them they had gone out, so we got the little Spanish guy that was with us to climb in through the window to let us in to retrieve it. Unfortunately the small window he climbed through swung down and smashed the large window, so we had to leave a "Sorry" note and a bunch of Pesetas to pay for the damage.
Reply Sat 9 Sep, 2006 11:27 pm
Hello Evanman, Sorry I have such a bad memory but that was a long time ago. I can remember a brother named Psalms but can't seem to place a face on your name. How are you? I can see by your web site that your continuing in the faith. It's so true that there is only one way. All the rest are just doctrines of men. I have to say that the Lord has been good to me and that the word is my daily confort. As you probably read in my discussions with Piram I'm still in Europe and making music for a living. Being a foreigner and a musician is my a way of staying out of the every day system. When did you leave the Family and what are you up to now? I was alone for many years after leaving but finally met a girl in '83 and raised a little family of five kids.
That's my biggest job having 1 young adult 3 teenagers and one little one to bring up. Keep in touch I'll send you an E-mail so you'll have my address.
Reply Sun 10 Sep, 2006 12:44 pm

I left in '78 with my wife (seven months pregnant) and one baby son.

We now have Three grown up sons. Our eldest lad is a missionary in South Africa working with an organisation that has a home for AIDS orphans. Our middle son is married with a 20 month old daughter and our youngest is courting.

I think I may have mixed you up with a tall afro-american called Antipas, although I feel sure we have met.

Even if you saw my photo today you probably wouldn't recognise me. I was much thinner then, had long hair, whereas today I have very short greying hair--where the baldness hasn't got me!
Reply Sun 10 Sep, 2006 01:18 pm
Antipas! Didn´t he look like that character from "The Mod Squad", that long-defunct late 60´s TV program, with long sideburns? Smile
Reply Sun 10 Sep, 2006 06:54 pm
Piram wrote:
Antipas! Didn´t he look like that character from "The Mod Squad", that long-defunct late 60´s TV program, with long sideburns? Smile

Antipas and Hagar, they went to Africa.
Reply Mon 11 Sep, 2006 12:12 am
evanman wrote:

I left in '78 with my wife (seven months pregnant) and one baby son.

We now have Three grown up sons. Our eldest lad is a missionary in South Africa working with an organisation that has a home for AIDS orphans. Our middle son is married with a 20 month old daughter and our youngest is courting.

I think I may have mixed you up with a tall afro-american called Antipas, although I feel sure we have met.

Even if you saw my photo today you probably wouldn't recognise me. I was much thinner then, had long hair, whereas today I have very short greying hair--where the baldness hasn't got me!

"Psalms", were you by any chance in Portugal, in Oporto at that enormous colony (the number of people was not enormous when we were there, though) on a street called "Nossa Senhora da Hora"? I seem to remember an English Psalms with dark, semi-long hair, light (blue or green or hazel) coloured eyes and a jovial nature. American Ben and Ruth were there for a time.
Reply Mon 11 Sep, 2006 01:36 am
Hi Evanman,
I was looking at those early Cog photos and I think it's easy to confuse me we Antipas although I'm not an afro-american. Maybe it's the long sideburns.
The only picture I saw of myself is the one on the rooftop bible class at L.A. behind my girlfreind with the two ponytails on top in the front rows. Antipas is the guy on the warning poster. I don't look the same today either, not that skinny anymore. Something about those days I remember was the competition with Sheba Bear that was in Italy for the highest witnessing
scores. We were out on the street everyday trying to get out the most lit.
To me it seems as though I was running as fast as I could all the time I was in Spain. Maybe thats why I don't remember people and faces that well.
I said that I'd send you a mail but my E-mail is having some problems. I'll try to get that fixed as soon as possible. Get back to you soon.
Reply Mon 11 Sep, 2006 04:12 am
Amplias wrote:
Hi Evanman,
I was looking at those early Cog photos and I think it's easy to confuse me we Antipas although I'm not an afro-american. Maybe it's the long sideburns.
The only picture I saw of myself is the one on the rooftop bible class at L.A. behind my girlfreind with the two ponytails on top in the front rows. Antipas is the guy on the warning poster. I don't look the same today either, not that skinny anymore. Something about those days I remember was the competition with Sheba Bear that was in Italy for the highest witnessing
scores. We were out on the street everyday trying to get out the most lit.
To me it seems as though I was running as fast as I could all the time I was in Spain. Maybe thats why I don't remember people and faces that well.
I said that I'd send you a mail but my E-mail is having some problems. I'll try to get that fixed as soon as possible. Get back to you soon.

Poor Sheba Bear. My ex-wife met her in Ibiza. I suppose you know she died of cancer many years ago.
Reply Tue 12 Sep, 2006 08:56 am
Hello Piram, The e-mail I sent came back undelivered, you might of changed
your address or maybe it's mine that still isn't working but I don't think so. I just got it fixed. Sad
Reply Tue 12 Sep, 2006 12:46 pm
Amplias wrote:
Hello Piram, The e-mail I sent came back undelivered, you might of changed
your address or maybe it's mine that still isn't working but I don't think so. I just got it fixed. Sad

Hi Amplias,
Don´t worry, I got your e-mail and I just replied to it! :wink:

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