Tue 17 Jan, 2006 12:17 pm
Looking for X-Family members (anywhere/Thailand)
For an college English class and my sociology class, I'm writing a paper on cults, focusing primarily on the Children of God/Family International. I recently learned that a friend of mine, who we will call Joe for privacy's sake, was born into the Family International's Thailand sect, and only got out with his older brother when he moved to the States.
I am looking for any information I can get my hands on to support my thesis of (to put it bluntly), "religion is all well and good until you take it too far." Any accounts of life in the Family International, or specific information on how the practices in Thailand differed would be great.
Thank you.
I'm an Ex-
SGA from The Family. I lived throughout the world in the cult (spending 5 years in Thailand). I too left when I after moving to the US.
I'd be happy to answer any of your questions.
I also lived through (and somehow survived) Thailand, for many years. I was one of the older ones.
I'd also be happy to talk to you.
Jack, I'd love to talk to you one of these days
Feel free to send an Private Message if you'd like.
i was one of the younger ones but i survived Thailand as well.
I was in Thailand before I moved to the U.S