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Reply Sat 3 Sep, 2005 04:03 pm
I met a "Family" member today distributing leaflets on the streets of Manchester.

I spoke with him and mentioned the Davidito Book. He stated that , "No Family member would accept those writings these days!"

I pressed him even further, that these writings were endorsed by Berg. He responded by stating that "We all make mistakes!"

I told him that we are not speaking about "making mistakes". That Berg stated that these things were the very word of God and that they had come fron God Himself. Thus we see that this is perversion and , as such, makes Berg a false prophet and false teacher.

He didn't want to be pressed any more other than giving the usual slimey retort, "I understand where you're coming from!"
Reply Tue 27 Sep, 2005 03:43 pm
Reply Wed 14 Dec, 2005 05:33 pm
Surprised you argued and called some slimey.Many years ago when I litnessed in Manchester,I hated it when someone argued or insulted me-it made me think religious people are bigots. Nowadays if I came across a cult member,I would try to help them.
Reply Thu 15 Dec, 2005 03:01 am
The cult indoctrination is such that when we were approached by anybody who would seek to offer arguments against what we were doing automatically registered in our minds as being of "Satan".

if the person was of a different religious opinion then they registered in our thinking as "Bigots" and "Scribes and pharisees".

The fact is that we were the real bigots and "Scribes and Pharisees".
Reply Tue 14 Feb, 2006 04:19 am
So how do I help ???
So I know a family in The Family. I know the Bible well and am a strong Christian. So I want to help them.

They admit the Family teaches sex between consenting adults, buy deny it teaches sex between chilldren. They have never lived in commune, but an adult child of theirs does. They have been associated with it for many years. They said I could see internal documents at their house (but I dont know if they have any important ones.) They deny all other claims of sexual deviancy.

I want to give them a fair hearing. I agree with most all of their doctrine, besides the sexuality. Should I ask to see certain internal docments, which ones? What are they likely to say? Can I not ask them to read these internal documents for themselves - I am thinking about the incest ones by David and Maria ?

How could they be helped best?
Reply Tue 14 Feb, 2006 08:47 am
These people are either in denial, or dishonest.

David Berg bragged about his sexual activities for years before the Child Sex teachings, and flirty fishing.

The Bible, and Jesus Christ Himself, are very clear about the need to avoid sexual sin. Paul's teaching to the various churches highlites the limits to which christians can go.

Sexual practices outside of marriage are outlawed, sexual practices between people of the same gender are outlawed, as are relations between close family relatives.

These are things that David Berg taught that under what he described as "God's law of love" are perfectly admissable.

The Family still practice "sharing" which is, basically sharing sexual relations with others--whether married or not. Hence fornication and adultery are acceptable.

The family also teaches Astrology, contacting the spirits of the dead (Necromancy), amongst many other things that the Bible is very clearly against.

Jesus is taught as having had sexual relations with women, and also probably having contracted a sexually trasmitted disease.

The people you are in contact with are under the influence of evil, and although may appear to be nice and caring, they are following a different Jesus than the one revealed in the New Testament, and a different Gospel message than the one taught in the Bible.

Be very careful!!
Indian Joe 1
Reply Tue 14 Feb, 2006 10:11 am
Re: So how do I help ???
eichelman wrote:
I want to give them a fair hearing. I agree with most all of their doctrine, besides the sexuality. Should I ask to see certain internal docments, which ones? What are they likely to say? Can I not ask them to read these internal documents for themselves - I am thinking about the incest ones by David and Maria ?

How could they be helped best?

You can ask, but what you will find is that the group purged those documents long ago.

Also, don't expect them to show you documentation we have here on their current practice called "The Loving Jesus Revelation", where members, including men are to visualize their sexual activities as happening with Jesus Christ.

I was never a member of this group, but engaged in a friendship for several years with current members. They simply don't discuss these more controversial matters with outsiders. If you do pin them down, they will go so far as to lie about the past, or at the very least try to minimize it and say it is all taken out of context.

The doctrine of the Family is sex.
Reply Fri 10 Mar, 2006 12:02 am
Just ask them to see the Loving Jesus Revelation for adults and teens. The teen version introduces boys to homosexual tendancies by asking them to masturbate while imagining Jesus is have intercourse them. They are of course women in the "spirit".

"TF is a totally safe place for kids to grow up." Yeah, only if you don't intent to really practice these doctrines. They say it's optional, but they say you've got to remember that, Jesus can't really bless you, unless you take his c-ck.

Remember that they teach you that these doctrines are the Holy Word of God. If you read the litrature with that in mind, it will take on a different light. Members are required to read this litrature for certain amounts of time everyday. So while one document may say it's optional or this is a suggestion, then next one says that if you are not doing what the "new wine" says, you're a looser and are "not going to make it". Whatever that means.

How can they say they are free from the law and then create a whole new one? - A law with very questionable ethics and results at that.

I must just be an "old bottle" that can't take the "new moves of the spirit" and all the "strange truths". Double speak. Gotta love it. Someone should write an article on the affect of double speak in TF. It really has an affect on the children and non-intelectual type.
Reply Tue 25 Jul, 2006 01:36 pm
Re: So how do I help ???
Indian Joe wrote:

The doctrine of the Family is sex.

I was in the group for a number of years, and I didn´t find that sex was "the" doctrine, but it certainly is a way of controlling and manipulating people, and can be a valuable tool for those who wish to do so(I encountered not a few of those in TF), and sexuality certainly started to play a significant role about the time I left.

However, oppressive sexual tendencies, the desire to humiliate others and sadism are often ingredients in a personality obsessed with power and control. And this was a constant I felt throughout my time in TF. -- personalities obsessed with power and control.
Reply Sat 19 Aug, 2006 03:33 pm
Dont know so many family critics go on so much about adults having sex.From memory,there was much less of it in group than outside the group.The thing I remember that was corrupt was dishonest money making,I've never read anywhere any critisim of that,even from anti-cult lot.
WalkerJ 1
Reply Sat 19 Aug, 2006 09:43 pm
Anonymous wrote:
Dont know so many family critics go on so much about adults having sex.

I agree. In my opinion, consenting adults can do whatever they like sexually. They're supposed to be mature enough to know what they're doing.

Where I disagree is when the adults begin having sexual contact with children or encourage children to have sex with eachother, thinking that children are also mature enough for sexual matters. I most certainly witnessed and experienced a lot of that when I was a child in TF.
Reply Sun 20 Aug, 2006 06:16 am
Dont know so many family critics go on so much about adults having sex.

This is probably because many of the anti-cult sites have, usually, a christian bias. The sexual practices within CoG/TF come under the ordinances against Fornication/adultery.

Of course sexual impropriety is more easily proved from the group's own publications than financial improprieties. It also makes better headlines.

But I agree, there should also be a denunciation of CoG/TF's dodgey fund raising practices.
max 1
Reply Sat 26 Aug, 2006 04:48 pm
You must see before you can walk.
God bless you and please try and listen to the positive aspects of the Church of God our saviour
If you want love it will come to you
God Bless You


Reply Sat 26 Aug, 2006 05:37 pm
Can a corrupt tree bare good fruit?

How can a corrupt tree like Berg ever bare good fruit in the lives of others?

1Cr 6:9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
1Cr 6:10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.
max 1
Reply Sun 27 Aug, 2006 04:50 am
We must look to the futire not he past and we must move on as Jesus wishes us to.
Love to all

Reply Sun 27 Aug, 2006 07:25 am
The future of the fruit that grows on a tree depends on the health of its roots.

If the root is corrupt the fruit that will come in the future will be corrupted also!

An axe needs to be laid to the root of the tree so that the tree dies and no longer contaminates the ground!

Look at all the acheivements that Hitler did in Germany. Solving the hyper inflation, the autobahns, the Volkswagon beetle, Eugenics, the unification of much of Western Europe, rockets, Flying saucers (not UFO's, but actual flying discs), ohh soo much!

Our life's journey began in the past, in carries on through the present into the future. If they are walking on a path going on the way to hell people need to be warned and shown where they went wrong!
Day 1
Reply Sun 27 Aug, 2006 08:50 am
max wrote:
We must look to the futire not he past and we must move on as Jesus wishes us to.
Love to all


On the other hand, those who refuse to acknowledge and learn from their mistakes are doomed to repeat them. And as far as Jesus' wishes, He made it quite clear what His wishes were when He said, "If therefore you are presenting your offering at the altar, and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your offering there, and go on your way; first be reconciled to your brother, and then come and present your offering." Mat. 5:23-24
Reply Sun 27 Aug, 2006 10:02 am
Day wrote:
max wrote:
We must look to the futire not he past and we must move on as Jesus wishes us to.
Love to all


On the other hand, those who refuse to acknowledge and learn from their mistakes are doomed to repeat them. And as far as Jesus' wishes, He made it quite clear what His wishes were when He said, "If therefore you are presenting your offering at the altar, and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your offering there, and go on your way; first be reconciled to your brother, and then come and present your offering." Mat. 5:23-24

You are so right, Day. Funny, I was thinking of that history saying also. It's one thing to move on from the past, it's quite another to try and ignore it and pretend like it didn't happen. Unless crimes like this are faced up to and compensated for, they will be committed again adn again by people who do not fear prosecution or justice.
Reply Sun 27 Aug, 2006 01:01 pm
As human beings we must learn from our mistakes and move on.
That is not to say that we should forget the past but we can or should be able to learn from it.
It is the true way forward.


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