thanks for the info.
By the way ,one of my dream jobs would be to be the owner of a cult or a new religion,so the people pay me the 10% of their salaries, and some of them are also mad enough to give me all their belongings,houses and cars.,even work for me without a salary,and not only give their souls for religion but also their bodies.
A very well known local deprogrammer, Ubaldo Pino, more than once tried to begin his own sect...It is like a dream corporation : no expenses to pay,no salary,free buildings..

r maybe 1991 : there was some whoring done by people connected to the sect in PASEO DEL PARQUE.
1991 or 1992 : How do you explain that they were protected by high ranking police officers,or polithical autorities of Ministerio Del Interior ? Maybe they videotaped some official having sex with minors ?
so, they don´t do more FF...how boring...
a former associate of mine, tried to begin a satanic cult based on Ch Of G,and Charles Manson, he copied tecnics used by pentecostal evangelist of throwing people to the floor with mind control, and got to pimp some of his disciples-girls...a nice racket,indeed...
the mind control tecnics work,even in the name of Mo,Moon,Lucifer or catholicism
CATHOLIC SEX CULT : in Uruguay,early 90s a catholic priest father Antelo,was jailed because of rape, violence to minors and other things connected with his COMUNIDAD JERUSALEN, therw was sex and beatings and brainwash but not paid whoring.
Ch Of G: that I met in CAFE SOROCABANA in 1989 : an american balding slender 40s man that was a MARINE,and a blonde,short heavy set (but not fat) uruguayan or argentinan man called Daniel, very good looking,like a pimp or a weightlifter.They offered to bring a girl,but they didn´t delivered...
Best regards,and
have a nice weekend !!!
PS: you can post in my web of uruguayan occultism,sects and weird religions, you are welcome here because of your experience.
(if possible,in spanish