Re: Child custody case 1992 (I am the child)
Very neat to read a comment from you Sam

That super long judgment (the judgment of Lord Justice Ward) was one of the things i read recently when starting on my own personal journey of discovery about TFI and my what my personal beliefs are going to be from now on

i agree that it made it difficult for me to initially process these forums (and i still haven't read through most of them

) that there's a lot of anger in them...but on the other hand it's also true that if so many people are angry it's probably not without cause.
Anyways, what i wanted to say was something that i've discovered recently, and it's that re-evaluating TFI isn't all about it's past...what's more important is the beliefs and whether or not they're really true and good to live by, or are the result of a false prophet and need to be 'unlearned.' At least that's what's more relevant for me right now.
My first realization was that I had never let myself even visit this site (or other sites with non-positive information about tfi) for fear of losing my faith, but really, what faith is it that will be 'lost' if i read information, or if you don't read re-enforcing information and literature often enough? And then when i did read information that wasn't positive about tfi or david berg, i never even considered that it could be true or tried to read it without bias. And on top of it, I had tried all these years to avoid 'doubt' and not 'entertain the lies of the devil,' to the point that if i even thought about anything not-positive about tfi i felt guilty and tried to stop right away. And it struck me that it's an awful lot like a sign of being strongly (possibly self) mentally conditioned to not allow yourself to
think certain things, or read certain things, because they'll cause 'doubt.' Basically it's self-censoring against any possible negative information... probably most people aren't that way and it's most likely just because i was kinda a 'fanatic' for the family's beliefs and so on, but anyways it set off warning lights.
So then I read the judgment about your case because it was an official judgment that i figured would be less biased than personal accounts, and that's when i realized that david berg was actually a pedophile and into incest (which it turns out is actually specifically mentioned in the Bible and forbidden, but in "the Devil Hates Sex" David Berg and Maria say that it's
not specifically forbidden in the Bible, so I only just figured out that he was actually going against basic Bible teachings) and had actually encouraged those things in the family in the past. That took me by surprise because i'd never thought that and always respected and (can i say that) 'loved' him. I remember day dreaming about being asked to help do his laundry when i was a kid and feeling that that would be quite the honor

So anyways, i spent some time coming to grips with the family's past and realizing who david berg really was (the guy whose teachings i based my entire life around and who i'd believed was
the prophet of the end) and that maria and peter were right there with him when he was doing all this stuff, so they're not innocent either. And would the real prophet of the end, or any real prophet of God, and his anointed successor(s) really be guilty of those things, or of condoning and going along with them (in the case of Maria)? I know king David killed Uriah but he repented, DB never did...he was a drunk until he died from what I could figure out, and I never even heard about Mene's story from tfi until i went and read it on this site...and i'd say what he did to her one of the worst things he did in his personal home life. The only record of it, from tfi's side, are the MLs of him slapping her around and stuff....and what does it matter if she's supposed to have been crazy...she was only a young teenager. (Just as an example, and I first learned about Mene from the judgment of your case btw

After that, what I actually really wanted to say, was that I realized that even more important (more relevant to me that is...i was also never abused that way and it's a long ways in the past in a way) is the
beliefs that I learned and preached in tfi. Basically I realized that if what i was teaching people (which I did actively, the 12FS, 12BR, CNX, etc) is wrong or actually contrary to real Biblical teachings, I'm "the least in the kingdom of heaven." I still consider myself a Christian and I want to be a Christian in the future, so my "journey" developed into mainly study of the Bible and culling out what was wrong, incorrect or just plain ungodly according to the Bible and Jesus' teachings, and what is true. I've found that some very basic elements of family beliefs are against the Bible actually and david berg twisted verses a lot to support his teachings and now, possibly from good intentions and simply by habit, ws and maria have done the same with the loving Jesus rev, the keys, hearing from spirit helpers, etc. It turns out that hearing from spirit helpers, as one example, is against what even Jesus taught and is very wrong Biblically, so I've actually been into witchcraft according to Biblical definitions and, get this, 'necromancy.' And to top it off, I taught kids that in devotions and taught my 'sheep' that since my teen years.
So even though the abuse committed in tfi history may not seem relevant to you and you might not feel the need to re-examine it, etc. as a Christian you should examine for yourself whether your beliefs and "these things be so"...not just by using the word basics or other Family produced bible study helps. I've learned that even the categories we've divided the verses into in the memory book and word basics actually 'twist' the meaning of different verses that if you read the context, are referring to a totally different subject. it's wierd. So anyways, that's my rather rambling 'two cents'
I think tfi is going to die out sooner or later because God is God and is in control and he always eventually sets things right. You know the whole "if this work be of God..." concept. But for you and me and every other current member (i just canceled my tfi portal membership a month or so ago

all there is really right now to being a member) i think sooner or later we'll all need to come to grips with some basic truths that were twisted about God, Jesus, Christianity, the Bible, etc. by david berg especially, and it's not easy to come to do. I came that close to throwing Christianity out all together because picking out what's true and what's not from my belief system was so daunting. Last month I found a small church actually and started visiting them...was really hard because its part of my makeup right now to feel very nervous around 'church members' and i felt very uncomfortable at first. But i got over it and they're actually pretty accepting and i've even started making friends...something which i never managed very well in tfi

even though i practiced the lol so i should have had lots of unity, etc.
Oh, and even more so, I've been researching my beliefs online. A good starting point (that my hubby and I are reading through right now) is this site: I'd recommend it to anyone because it's thorough, the guy knows what he's talking about and doesn't 'hate' on tfi members but focuses on what's true and what isn't.
Sorry this is so long

its the first time i've actually said anything online about this, and i'm glad it anonymous because it really is something i'd like to put behind me as soon as possible

Just might take a little while to get things figured out and straightened out, figure out where to go from here, etc. Lots to think about.
Take care out