I'm outta here. BYE

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Reply Thu 26 Aug, 2010 04:56 pm
I'm outta here. BYE
This will be my last post. I cant handle you anger sorry. I'm just not like that.For those of you who are not so angry.Yahoo.
m 2
Reply Fri 27 Aug, 2010 02:40 am
Re: I'm outta here. BYE
Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
Alice 1
Reply Fri 27 Aug, 2010 05:35 am
Re: I'm outta here. BYE
Wow, what a great example of a brave "revolutionary Christian"! I thought you are tougher than that! And that guy was complaining that "ppl got so thin" these days... Talk about having guts, ha!
Nobody will miss you here, I'm sure, but let me tell you this one thing - you're running away because you know you are so wrong and so unbelievably arrogant! You're running away, because you cannot handle the truth - it is too much for your religious little brain and heartless soul. You think you cannot handle our anger - well, the real thing you cannot handle is the truth and the tough reality, where there's no place for your vengeful little god and all the bullshit that comes with it, all of your bizarre grotesque ideas about life - that's why you're running away! Ha, wait till you see your "god's" wrath (whatever happens, you will interpret it this way))) for being such religious asshole!
Dream on man, dream on.
Reply Sat 28 Aug, 2010 12:34 am
Re: I'm outta here. BYE
Easily the most surreal troll exchanges I've seen on a Internet forum Shocked. Guess I haven't seen too much of them.
Alice 1
Reply Sat 28 Aug, 2010 07:36 am
Re: I'm outta here. BYE
DRJ wrote:
Easily the most surreal troll exchanges I've seen on a Internet forum Shocked. Guess I haven't seen too much of them.

You are calling me a troll, motherfucker? Go suck jesus' dick, you pervert!(just like your dead pedophile Berg has taught you). You're can easily follow zflash7' example, you know!
Reply Sat 28 Aug, 2010 02:03 pm
Re: I'm outta here. BYE
I'm not a dogmatic follower of anyone or anything. I'm here to learn, to sharpen my perspective. If you're here because you need to scream at something or someone because you forgot your meds or you can't forget your past then that's fine with me, I can feel for you, I am human too. I go through these sorts of things quite often.

But if you're going to be in denial about how some of your posts attempt to gather attention in a manner reminiscent of typical internet trollshit and if you continue to make brash assumptions on what and who I am based on what little information I provided for myself in my previous post, then you can go shove a 20 inch dildo up your rear end and hopefully get the biggest stress-relieving climax of your life as well as a perforated colon, attracting everyone's attention everywhere thanks to the sensation that is not you, but your heavily damaged ass.


To clarify so that something of this sort does not happen again: I am a 17 year old teenager who didn't think too highly or lowly of what kind of lifestyle I was living in until all of a sudden I had reason to believe that I've been bullshitted. The chauvinistic nature of "The Offensive" and the apologetic nature of "The Reboot" did this. They were two "programs" so ridiculously different from each other it would be absurd to see one occurring immediately after the other.

But it did.

I've been rechecking and updating my view on TFI's past ever since I started visiting this forum and its corresponding wikipedia, which was when the Reboot documents first came out. Right now, I'm a member of the TFI to the extent that my name and email address have been registered to this online Christian fan club that is or was The Children of God/The Family International. I'll be changing that shortly.

I apologize if I've offended you or anyone else for saying anything incendiary here (including the first portion of this post), and for saying that I am a member of this group. I was born in this group, and thus for all of my life I've been a member of this group.

I'll be changing that shortly.
Thorwald 1
Reply Sat 28 Aug, 2010 04:24 pm
Re: I'm outta here. BYE
Alice wrote:
You are calling me a troll, motherfucker? Go suck jesus' dick, you pervert!(just like your dead pedophile Berg has taught you). You're can easily follow zflash7' example, you know!

As a Moderator of this forum, I need to caution you that abusive language is not condoned here. You can respectfully disagree with other users, but there is no need to use language like that.

DRJ wrote:
I apologize if I've offended you or anyone else for saying anything incendiary here (including the first portion of this post), and for saying that I am a member of this group.

There is no need to apologize for being a member of that group (especially if you were born into it). We welcome anyone on this forum, as long as they are respectful of others.
Reply Sat 28 Aug, 2010 05:19 pm
Re: I'm outta here. BYE
Thanks for your reply thorwald. It's helping me cool down.
Alice 1
Reply Sun 29 Aug, 2010 02:35 pm
Re: I'm outta here. BYE
Wow, what a typical reaction of a teenager! You seem to be just as arrogant and confused as the rest of the cult, which is going through a "reboot". For your information, I'm not trying to "gather attention" here - this forum was created exactly for ppl like me - an x-family members, right? I can tone down and chose the words more carefully, especially for your sake - that is, if you promise not to provoke me, calling what I've posted here "trolling". I have very clearly explained my viewpoint on the subject in my every post, and yea, I am a little more than angry about what the cult did to me and to my loved ones - if that bothers anyone, there's nothing you can do about it (except for banning me, of course). In the family they never (or very seldom) used bad language, that's right, but still, ppl made you feel like shit with their "loving words of correction" all the same.
To the moderators: my apologies for calling this member of the cult a "motherfucker" for calling me a troll - the reasons for me using it I've explained above!
And, by the was, DRJ did not apologies for "being born in the family" - he apologized for "offending you or anyone else for saying anything incendiary here (including the first portion of this post), and for saying that I am a member of this group", right?
2 DRJ - about the dildo - nice one! Looks like you're familiar with the process you've described in such detail. Is that what the cult is teaching you guys today? Probably a new revelation... No, thanx - I think I will pass. Confused
Reply Sun 29 Aug, 2010 04:21 pm
Re: I'm outta here. BYE
Alright, I am honestly sorry for calling you a troll. I will try to be more polite from now on then.

Yeah, I was being a bit arrogant when I was talking about the "Reboot", but not in that way. I was just mad at you. And I was trying to explain that both the "Reboot" and the "Offensive" made me wake up and realize what I was living in.

I think I know as much as you do on what the rest of the my group thinks about the "Reboot", which is pretty much nothing. That's because I haven't met other group members recently and because I never really considered myself a true member of the TFI.

I haven't lived in a city where there are two or three other homes besides my own in 5 years. The last "fellowship" I have attended to meet other family members my age occurred 2 years ago, before there was any forewarning about this "Reboot". It was also an unofficial one, you know, "hey me and some other peps are going to meet at this place, why don't you come and bring a legal guardian as well as that sulky little computer-overusing-but-who's-still-funny-to-talk-with brother of yours?". My online interaction with people in the family has been limited, or mostly has been with people who are ex-members of the TFI.

I've been skipping on some word times and avoiding all prophecy times by lying or by telling off the adult (Yes, I have taken personal wordtime. No, all I'm getting when I'm trying to talk to the J-whiz and some other character in the Bible are my own thoughts.).

Before the Reboot we (mum, dad, brother and sisters) were living in Mexico. We are now in the states.

I don't need to "apologize" for being born into something, but I do feel sorry about being born in the TFI. I blame semantics for the slight confusion regarding what I said in my previous post. I apologize about not making myself fully clear.

Please don't call me a "member of a cult" again, because I'm not really. By definition I am, but include the personal element and you'll find that I'm not. Once I'm a statutory adult I'll leave the TFI for good.

New revelation? What are you refe.. Oh heh, right. I didn't think too highly of the Loving Jesus series when I first read them in the old pubs archive a few years ago. Excuse the understatement.

Please don't call me a typical teenager. I too have had some adults administer this shit and correction combination you speak of by calling me that. Even if it's true.

So, can we start over again then? If it's not too personal, how old are you? And when were you a member of the cult?
Alice 1
Reply Mon 30 Aug, 2010 08:26 am
Re: I'm outta here. BYE
DRJ wrote:
Alright, I am honestly sorry for calling you a troll. I will try to be more polite from now on then.

Yeah, I was being a bit arrogant when I was talking about the "Reboot", but not in that way. I was just mad at you. And I was trying to explain that both the "Reboot" and the "Offensive" made me wake up and realize what I was living in.

I think I know as much as you do on what the rest of the my group thinks about the "Reboot", which is pretty much nothing. That's because I haven't met other group members recently and because I never really considered myself a true member of the TFI.

I haven't lived in a city where there are two or three other homes besides my own in 5 years. The last "fellowship" I have attended to meet other family members my age occurred 2 years ago, before there was any forewarning about this "Reboot". It was also an unofficial one, you know, "hey me and some other peps are going to meet at this place, why don't you come and bring a legal guardian as well as that sulky little computer-overusing-but-who's-still-funny-to-talk-with brother of yours?". My online interaction with people in the family has been limited, or mostly has been with people who are ex-members of the TFI.

I've been skipping on some word times and avoiding all prophecy times by lying or by telling off the adult (Yes, I have taken personal wordtime. No, all I'm getting when I'm trying to talk to the J-whiz and some other character in the Bible are my own thoughts.).

Before the Reboot we (mum, dad, brother and sisters) were living in Mexico. We are now in the states.

I don't need to "apologize" for being born into something, but I do feel sorry about being born in the TFI. I blame semantics for the slight confusion regarding what I said in my previous post. I apologize about not making myself fully clear.

Please don't call me a "member of a cult" again, because I'm not really. By definition I am, but include the personal element and you'll find that I'm not. Once I'm a statutory adult I'll leave the TFI for good.

New revelation? What are you refe.. Oh heh, right. I didn't think too highly of the Loving Jesus series when I first read them in the old pubs archive a few years ago. Excuse the understatement.

Please don't call me a typical teenager. I too have had some adults administer this shit and correction combination you speak of by calling me that. Even if it's true.

So, can we start over again then? If it's not too personal, how old are you? And when were you a member of the cult?

Ok, buddy, I'm sorry too. Don't take my words too personally - it's just that bastard (zflash7) got me upset so much (he is real amazing, man!). I'm in my 30's and I've been in the family during the 90's. Even though I wasn't born into the family I was really trying to fit in and to live my life "for the Lord", but quite often I had problems and conflicts with other f-members. Mostly, that was because I did keep quite a bit of my dignity, with they called "pride" and allowed myself to debate and question the tings I thought were wrong. No, I wasn't arguing all the time, like my friend was (YA, family born) - he would argue with you about everything, just for the sake of it... However, I was real "stubborn" and "unwilling" when it came to "sharing" with older aunties - god, I did my best to avoid those "special moments" and they said I was "proud" and "selfish". Ha! Yea, there's so much to tell, but...
I know how hard it is to realize that you've been fooled by those who you thought to be "the ppl of God" - I've gone through this myself and I have given much thought to this, re-evaluating my past and things that happened to me, since I left the group. And still, it hurts! So, I just want to tell you to hold on and to stand up for yourself and for your real family - because if you don't do it, nobody will! If you decide to leave, you will probably find that people "in the system" are much more friendly and much easier to deal with (that is not to say that you've never dealt with the outsiders, don't get me wrong) and there are a number of reasons for that.
I'm currently living in Europe (don't want to be more specific - some of our relatives are still in the F.) but hoping to go to the States to play some gigs (I've got a band now). Sorry again for that "jezuz shit" insinuation - I can be extremely ironic and mean when it comes to dealing with certain type of "family members" (I'm sure you're not one of them). By all means, I am open to a dialog and conversation and can probably share a few pieces of personal advice (should anyone ask for it, that is). You take care of yourself, man!
m 2
Reply Mon 30 Aug, 2010 03:09 pm
Re: I'm outta here. BYE
Hey DRJ, have you watched Ricky's (Davidito) video yet, the one he made before the homicide/suicide? If you haven't, do it. It's powerful stuff.
Reply Mon 30 Aug, 2010 04:53 pm
Re: I'm outta here. BYE
Hmm, I will check out that video sometime, thanks.

Ok, buddy, I'm sorry too. Don't take my words too personally - it's just that bastard (zflash7) got me upset so much (he is real amazing, man!).

It's alright mate, I understand ya completely Very Happy, met some guys like him on the internet before. Heck, he's even been to this one forum I frequent (the forum is dead now though, by the way. It's not netlinkup either)

I'm in my 30's and I've been in the family during the 90's. Even though I wasn't born into the family I was really trying to fit in and to live my life "for the Lord", but quite often I had problems and conflicts with other f-members. Mostly, that was because I did keep quite a bit of my dignity, with they called "pride" and allowed myself to debate and question the tings I thought were wrong. No, I wasn't arguing all the time, like my friend was (YA, family born) - he would argue with you about everything, just for the sake of it... However, I was real "stubborn" and "unwilling" when it came to "sharing" with older aunties - god, I did my best to avoid those "special moments" and they said I was "proud" and "selfish". Ha! Yea, there's so much to tell, but...

Eww... only trouble I had was just mental related.. was grown up in a different timeperiod I guess.

I know how hard it is to realize that you've been fooled by those who you thought to be "the ppl of God" - I've gone through this myself and I have given much thought to this, re-evaluating my past and things that happened to me, since I left the group. And still, it hurts! So, I just want to tell you to hold on and to stand up for yourself and for your real family - because if you don't do it, nobody will! If you decide to leave, you will probably find that people "in the system" are much more friendly and much easier to deal with (that is not to say that you've never dealt with the outsiders, don't get me wrong) and there are a number of reasons for that.

Thanks for the encouragement mate. Ever since the Reboot occurred things have been better. We moved out of our old home because our old home was breaking apart. Mom, dad, and me (I am the oldest male in my family) have been acting alot less... emotional and stressed toward each other. We saw the reboot and the distance away from the border as an opportunity to just get away from the situation there.

My old home composed of three families including my own. I was the sort of the trouble teenager, apparently I didn't keep my facial expressions well enough to imply happiness Very Happy. There was also this girl my age, which created more tension (not in that way though Razz).

I think mom and dad now acknowledges that there isn't a elitist edge about the family anymore and I appreciate them for thinking that. I'm in a high school now, and the early morning schedules sort of interfere with when I take my word times (if not at all, Razz ). Hopefully I'll meet more peps there.

I'm currently living in Europe (don't want to be more specific - some of our relatives are still in the F.) but hoping to go to the States to play some gigs (I've got a band now). Sorry again for that "jezuz shit" insinuation - I can be extremely ironic and mean when it comes to dealing with certain type of "family members" (I'm sure you're not one of them). By all means, I am open to a dialog and conversation and can probably share a few pieces of personal advice (should anyone ask for it, that is). You take care of yourself, man!

Naw, it's alright. I also feel kinda awkward, sharing even some of this information about myself (I mean, what if someone from my old home came here, saw this, and made the connection?)

You take care too mate Very Happy
Alice 1
Reply Tue 31 Aug, 2010 01:41 pm
Re: I'm outta here. BYE
Well, you born approximately at the same time I've joined the family, so in some scene we were growing up together (you - physically and me - as a new member. Of course, the circumstances were very different, I guess). My wife was corrected a lot for her facial expression, nevertheless, she was the one who always encouraged the young ppl in her home.
Well, I'm not afraid of my relatives who might make a connection, I just want to get a chance to talk to them face to face first. So far, I didn't have that opportunity!))
Reply Sat 7 Jan, 2012 09:30 pm
Hey all its been a year and 4 months, good to see the love still flowing.
Reply Sat 7 Jan, 2012 10:11 pm
I should have mentioned that this year has been very fruitful with witnessing for Yeshua... I am sorry so many kids got caught in the crossfire of the Family getting its roots established.
I guess I will never know the whole truth until I enter that crystal city... So have a great 2012 and fight on for the power of Love.. If crucifying some family members would bring causality to rest, then so be it. BUT, I think love win.. and YES.. enjoy the year ... amen.
Reply Mon 9 Jan, 2012 10:23 pm
Really zflash???
Your so sorry that some of us got caught in the cross fires? But all for a good cause right? After all, the family needed to establish its roots right?

Let me ask you a question Zflash. Do you have children? Maybe you have a beautiful little daughter, maybe she 6 or 7 years old? how would you feel about some man SEXUALLY ABUSING her, beating her, making her feel useless, unloved, uncared for?
after all, it is for a good cause, you know, establishing the family of love!!!


What happened to me as a child only really hit home hard when my family and friends started having children. I have no children of my own, but my nieces and nephews are my world. I love them, I want them to have wonderful happy childhoods so that they can grow up to be strong, independent, happy adults and cary on healthy relationships in thru ought their lives.

The thought of someone molesting them (as I was molested), making them feel like dirt, like everything they did, thought or wanted was shit( like I was made to feel), that makes me crazy.

If anyone ever does the things that were done to me to the precious little people in my life, I would rip their throats out!!!

I cannot fathom the any good reason to harm a child, especially not in the name of establishing a religious group.

If you are a part of this group, you are condoning child abuse!

The leader of this group was a known child abuser, as were all of the people closest to him.

I only wish he were still alive so that I could do horrible, unspeakable things to him.

If there is a hell, Berg and Hitler are probably occupying a nice little burning condo together down there, reminiscing about all of the people whose lives they ruined.
Reply Thu 12 Jan, 2012 04:55 am
hi welcome to this forum site.you can find many things in this site.To clarify so that something of this sort does not happen again: I am a 17 year old teenager who didn't think too highly or lowly of what kind of lifestyle I was living in until all of a sudden I had reason to believe that I've been bullshitted. The chauvinistic nature of "The Offensive" and the apologetic nature of "The Reboot" did this. They were two "programs" so ridiculously different from each other it would be absurd to see one occurring immediately after the other.
Reply Sun 15 Jan, 2012 08:00 pm
@Alice 1,
Reply Sun 22 Sep, 2013 09:48 am
@DRJ 1,
DRJ 1 wrote:

Re: I'm outta here. BYE

I've been skipping on some word times and avoiding all prophecy times by lying or by telling off the adult

HAHAHHAHAHAH ... oh man.... HAHAHHAHAHAHA skipping some word times. oh boy yer gonna go to hell mate! oh and lying to adults too! Such a notty kid.


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  3. » I'm outta here. BYE
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