Is Father David (dad) in the Kingdom?

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Reply Sat 21 Aug, 2010 03:31 am
Is Father David (dad) in the Kingdom?
A simple question. If you know dad and listen to his tapes and have studied his words. Do you think He is is the kingdom, now...
or is he damned because of his sexual beliefs?
For those of you who have cast off your beliefs in Jesus.
F*ck you! to me your a traitor of the Kingdom. I dont want to know or there.
But for those of you who still believe in Jesus and the Kingdom.
What do you honestly think? In your heart?
Is he in heaven or not?
all hail to Jesus.......
Reply Sat 21 Aug, 2010 05:01 pm
Re: Is Father David (dad) in the Kingdom?
zflash7 wrote:
.....For those of you who have cast off your beliefs in Jesus.
Fuck you! to me your a traitor of the Kingdom. I dont want to know or there.

Some posting rules from your site:

No profanity.
No porn.
No stalking.
No abuse of any nature.
Try to be respectful for your fellow man/woman.

By the way - sold any of your cartoon work to anyone from this forum yet?
Reply Sat 21 Aug, 2010 06:24 pm
Re: Is Father David (dad) in the Kingdom?
OHH I changed the U to a * is that Ok.. me bad sorry I dont want to offend some weaker brethren. humm
and NO I dont sell my stuff. I give all my books away free. Its my tithe, I do print runs.
I have given 4,000 away so far.. its a rule .. my own.. and the family book's I bought years ago.. well I dont sell them.
Most I give away.
I dont need money, actually I am just about to sell a property I need a new Harley tourer to get out the word (my art book) and some traveling cash.
All hail to Jesus.
In all honesty I do sympathies with Xfam members. Not because of the sex, to hell with that.. but in simplicity. I lived in homes for years and was thankful that I was booted out and independent (on the road) as I could make my own rules. I followed the letters but was classified as too independent by the Leaders. I loved the unity and so forth. But it is nice to look to Jesus and get His nod of approval and not a Leaders frown. So in all that my heart does bow to your oppressive/sacrificial life styles you lived.

I am a person of love me or hate me I care not. I do wish you the best... I live a great life of freedom and I believe all believers should. yahoo.......yea.
Alice 1
Reply Wed 25 Aug, 2010 06:56 am
Re: Is Father David (dad) in the Kingdom?
"Father" David is rotting in his grave, for your info. You will join him soon, I hope.))
Reply Thu 26 Aug, 2010 02:42 am
Re: Is Father David (dad) in the Kingdom?
ohh! so you do not have a soul? Alice...
Well your entitled to your earthly madness, a very short trip I might add.
Me, I see Jesus as a super entity beyond our mortal minds can fathom, and I take pleasure in seeing Him one day. (soon, ohh does that make you feel better)
Sorry to disappoint you Alice. But me thinks you better get used to it...
Alice 1
Reply Thu 26 Aug, 2010 05:41 am
Re: Is Father David (dad) in the Kingdom?
zflash7 wrote:
ohh! so you do not have a soul? Alice...
Well your entitled to your earthly madness, a very short trip I might add.
Me, I see Jesus as a super entity beyond our mortal minds can fathom, and I take pleasure in seeing Him one day. (soon, ohh does that make you feel better)
Sorry to disappoint you Alice. But me thinks you better get used to it...

And what does your "faith" have to do with the way I see the world? Do you think your "faith" gives you the right to tell me I'm mad, because I don't believe in your "jesus" or your prdophile "prophet" Berg? Ha? Don't be rude, mister, your "god" doen't like it!)) It does look like you're the one who are mad here, preaching your crazy nonsense at those who don't want to hear about those jewish tales anyomre? You're real mental case, blabbing about "jesus" like a broken record 24/7 - get help... And while you surely have the right to believe in whatever you want, so do I have to right to tell you to shut the fuck up - your "preaching" here is irrelevant and grotesque. I don't want to hear that bullshit anymore, so don't bother... Your "god" was nailed to the cross, and my God has a hammer - any questions? And I REALLY DON"T GIVE a damn about how you see "jesus", got that? And why should I? I'm not gonna impose my believes on anyone, so please, keep yours to yourself too. Fair enough? You will only disappoint me if you keep drilling about your jewish god (don't know your real name, though) and it isn't your place to tell me "to get used to" anything, you got that? Go preach someplace else, moron...
And yea - one more thing - again, I know it for a fact that Berg's corpse is rotting in the ground - it has been for while. Oh, sorry, if you were talking about "the spiritual realm" (given, we believe it exists) - well, I'm quite sure that your masochistic "god" might have welcomed this pedophile into his "heavens" - or, maybe not!))) I'm sure about one thing - I will not be at the same place with that pedophile after I die! I'm pretty sure about that.
Reply Thu 26 Aug, 2010 05:01 pm
Re: Is Father David (dad) in the Kingdom?
Alice wrote:
And I REALLY DON"T GIVE a damn about how you see "jesus", got that? And why should I?

YEA..................... Is capitol................. J...................have some respect... alice ........
Alice 1
Reply Fri 27 Aug, 2010 03:55 am
Re: Is Father David (dad) in the Kingdom?
zflash7 wrote:
Alice wrote:
And I REALLY DON"T GIVE a damn about how you see "jesus", got that? And why should I?

YEA..................... Is capitol................. J...................have some respect... alice ........

And why should I have any respect towards an arrogant and pitiful religious fanatic, like you? Is there once single reason as to why I should "have some respect" towards your kind? Please, don't be ridiculous!
Besides, you haven't really answered my question about your "faith", so... Here we go again - your "faith" has absolutely nothing to do with anybody, but you. You can as well believe that your pedophile "father" David is taking a long vacation on Mars (along with Hitler and Stalin) but I still think his whereabouts are pretty obvious!)))
Reply Fri 14 Jan, 2011 07:28 pm
Re: Is Father David (dad) in the Kingdom?

you're a tool...
but you should already know this.

At least I can laugh at you.

I guess this is one good reason for you're existence.
Rot in mud like your mate Berg.

PS. fuck you too!
renee 2
Reply Tue 1 Mar, 2011 05:20 pm
Re: Is Father David (dad) in the Kingdom?
No, i don't. for the simple reason that salvation as understood in the family, I've come to understand, was very simplistic and incomplete. It's not guaranteed that everyone we prayed to receive Jesus with actually got saved if they didn't also fulfill the other requirements in the Bible, like repentance (as in turning away from sin, as defined in the Bible, not as interpreted by David Berg). In the Family we believed, as taught by Berg, that essentially because we're all sinners, it's impossible to be perfect, so we shouldn't even try...because God will forgive us anyhow. With a view like that Salvation is at the very least questionable. Salvation is eternal, but the "fruits" of David Bergs life, his teachings that contradicted the Bible and his life style that was not 'loving' in many ways and hurt a lot of people, brings into serious question whether he ever had a true salvation experience to begin with. I'm still studying this question so don't' have it really figured out yet, but from everything I've learned so far, no, I don't think David Berg was actually a "child of God"... pun intended. I think he was a very good example of the type of person referred to in 2 Peter 2.
Reply Thu 10 Mar, 2011 04:07 am
Re: Is Father David (dad) in the Kingdom?
Renee, I find you view very interesting, as I am currently also struggling with the same questions. We should get in contact and exchange ideas. I'm still confused and searching as far as my beliefs go, and right now I basically identify myself as a Catholic, for some odd reason. Perhaps it's because movies and books like The Exorcist and The Last Exorcism (2010) make them look so bad-ass ;-).
Reply Mon 14 Mar, 2011 09:43 pm
@ posted question. No you dumb shit. That child molester who duped hundreds of vulnerable teenagers into a brainwashing society led solely by his pervertedly warped sense of reality is not in 'The Kingdom'. 'The Kingdom' is a figment of his imagination and it should have died with him. If only you dumbass die hards would stop using his ridiculous terminology. I respect everyones beliefs and would never stamp anyone a traitor for having an open mind and exploring their options. If you still believe berg's bullshit about backsliders than you are still being manipulated by his intricate scam. He's dead. You can have your live back. Just because that motherfuker sought to completley dictate everyones thoughts and actions it doesn't give you any right to impose your religion on anyone.

On a last note, just to voice

PS. Alice you are awesome.....crush....
Reply Mon 19 Mar, 2012 07:09 pm
renee, I liked your answer. But I cant agree. salvation is forever, eternal.
If it could be broken by sin, then it would be tempory salvation.
I dont have time for ignorance that most of the demons spew on here.
So you have fun, ETERNAL.. means you will see father David in the crystal city.
simple. I hope christians will deal with that. the unboarn. well u know my oppinion, they can go 2 hell. I've discovered its good for them.. Smile
All hail to Yeshua.
Reply Wed 21 Mar, 2012 10:12 pm
If "Father David" aka "David Berg", Moses David, a megalomaniacal incestuous predator and pedophile is in "Heaven" with Jesus and God, and if there was a heaven, then I'd be proud to be a demon on the other side of this. I can't hardly wrap my head around someone believing eternal life and some sort of grace and loving acceptance would be extended to someone that did so much damage in his demented life IN THE NAME of God, including pedophilia, turning women out to be prostitutes, with no regard for any ones life except for his own, if that is what is in "heaven" I sure as hell wouldn't want to be there. He not only wasn't sorry for his appetite for destruction. He said God ordained it and he made doctrines out of it. Imagine raping children. He did it. He made that doctrine. What a sick, demented piece of shite. However bad satan is painted, he'd be a step up from David Berg.
renee 2
Reply Tue 27 Mar, 2012 06:51 am
David Berg fits so many descriptions of 'evil people' in scripture that he's so unlikely to be in any sort of heaven. It's the one sort of justice I think we who were born under his thumb actually have... And it has nothing to do with whether or not salvation is by grace or not, but instead with the fact that once someone actually 'is transformed' by the Holy Spirit and becomes a Christian their life is actually supposed to change, 'bear good fruits' (which is way more than how many people they can co-erce in repeating a few sentences and includes things like a happy family, peace, patience, self-control, a godly life as described in the new testament, and so on, and they want to obey God and 'mirror' Him....which is not what DBB did). DBB who lived and died an unrepentant abuser of people and children, a manipulator, twisting scripture to gain control as some sort of 'david' and actually claiming messianic prophecies as being about him, etc. etc. didn't appear to have the 'good fruits' that we're supposed to judge 'prophets' or even just Christians by.
The ultimate justice for DBB and Karen Zerby would be, in my opinion, that after death they stand before Christ and instead of 'well done' they get the 'I never knew you. Leave you workers of sin.' this and the 'terror by night' "ml" make me think that he was a tormented man later in a result of his own evil. Or at least I like to think that Smile
renee 2
Reply Tue 27 Mar, 2012 07:21 am
"Sometimes I'm so terrified I could sit up & scream, "
"Why won't it go when I pray? "
"IT DOESN'T REALLY SEEM TO MATTER HOW MUCH I PRAY & cry to the Lord & agonise & fight & battle, or even try to drink to drown my fears."
(Sound like a description of 'peace?' or maybe 'a fearful expectation of judgment*' I'm sure i could track down way more of this, but wading through all that disgustingness is like picking through rotting 2 week old 'provisioning', shudder)

*(Hebrews 10:26-31 ESV) For if we go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a fearful expectation of judgment, and a fury of fire that will consume the adversaries. Anyone who has set aside the law of Moses dies without mercy on the evidence of two or three witnesses. How much worse punishment, do you think, will be deserved by the one who has trampled underfoot the Son of God, and has profaned the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified, and has outraged the Spirit of grace? For we know him who said, “Vengeance is mine; I will repay.” And again, “The Lord will judge his people.” It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.
Reply Tue 27 Mar, 2012 11:31 pm
@renee 2,
I can't speak as an x-family member. Neither can I speak as an expert in religion.

May I join the discussion?
Carl Asher
Reply Wed 4 Apr, 2012 04:00 am
WOW. I thought ex-members were meant to have gained a semblance of rationality upon integration into normal society... I guess mister zflash7 disproves my ignorant optimism.
Reply Mon 8 Oct, 2012 04:57 am
father tucker -search google Smile)
Reply Mon 8 Oct, 2012 04:58 am
and yes - you are a looney Smile) having a ball here

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  3. » Is Father David (dad) in the Kingdom?
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