Re: Sex is not a sin, so whats the problem.
zflash7 wrote:I shouldn't laugh but I cant help it? Pedo- addicts. I suppose you would condemn a Guy having sex with a 14 year old virgin to bring His son into this world to SAVE IT?
Yep! You would send Him to hell thats for sure. But He did send a messenger to ask her if it was OK first... BUT
NO..send Him to jail an destroy Him you would say.
Hahahahah. I give up u win.........u and the system can have this fucked up fleshy world.
You know, you are real sick, man... What on earth are you raving about? What 14 y. olds are you talking about? Virgin Mary? You know, I consider your "beliefs" pretty dangerous, and guess what - most of the sane ppl do too! Your archaic ideas and tales from the ancient jewish bible are irrelevant to my life, so why don't you keep those to yourself? You obviously can't, feeling huge inferiority complex (like a lot of so called "christians") and feel compelled "to share" them with "the gentiles"... That's so sick!
So, you're advocating pedophilia? I thought so!) Hey, you've been with the "COG" in the 70's (correct me if I'm wrong) so I'm wondering that maybe you were one of those sick bastards who were raping kids and prostituting your wifes (how many did you have, anyway?) thinking this was oh so revolutionary, ha? Maybe you are one of those guilty ones, gone from bad to worse, still walking about freely, raving atrocities in the name of "god" and Berg? You better watch your back, because your "god" may play a bad joke on you one day... You say I "can have my system and fucked up fleshy world"? Thatx a lot, I don't want "the system"!))) Hey, you obviously believe that having sex with minors is a real "spiritual" experience, don't you? How "fucked up" is that, ha? (Ouch, you shouldn't be using those bad words, since you're a such a good christian and a great revolutionary prophet!)
And yes, I would send anyone to prison, if I knew that his (or her) followers turned out to be like you or like your sick pedo-Berg, and I would personally make sure they never hurt anyone, like Berg and Maria did.
Man, you should seriously consider getting help from a psychiatrist...