Thu 24 Jun, 2010 08:32 pm
Is this picture Children of God artwork?
Hi folks,
My name is Marie; I am not an Ex-Family member at all, although I have read extensively about the group and even encountered them while living abroad in Europe. (Shudders). Actually, I'm an evangelical Christian. However, I have a question - sheer curiosity...can any of you confirm for me whether or not this picture was produced by the CoG/TFI cult:
Here is the link, in case the image doesn't show up:
It looks suspisciously like the old CoG artwork. I ask because quite a lot of us in the Christian blogosphere kind of like that image - in fact, a church friend of mine uses it as her Facebook avatar - but it just weirds me out that it might be from a cult. Anyone know?
Re: Is this picture Children of God artwork?
I can not say for sure, but it looks very much like something TFI would produce. If you look at the "
Loving Jesus" article, you will see a similar drawing (but quite a lot more explicit).
Re: Is this picture Children of God artwork?
Exactly. It immediately called to mind that one -- either the artist is the same, or I just have a sick mind.
I don't know who the artist is. I actually like the just creeps me out that it could be from Family propaganda. The resemblence is undeniable.
Re: Is this picture Children of God artwork?
Hi Marie,
That picture is definitely TFI. It's by an artist who draws for most of their material named Tamar, and I think the pic is from the front of one of their mailings called 'They'll always be mine'.
Re: Is this picture Children of God artwork?
Wow, thank you, Robber! Just goes to show you how subtly something good and true (in this case, a depiction of God's love) can be twisted by a cult - and most of us sheeple are none the wiser. Needless to say, this particular picture isn't going to ruin anyone's life or theology in and of itself, but knowing its origins should make us more careful. Thanks again for the info. You know I'll be passing it along to the other unsuspecting Christians (all women, not too surprisingly) who I see using this picture.
Re: Is this picture Children of God artwork?
Well folks,
They just confirmed it:
Hello, Marie,
Thank you for your correspondence. The image you are referring to was done by one of our artists, but the art is not entirely original. The girl in the picture was copied from a paperback novel found in a used bookstore many years ago (artist unknown), and our artist added the picture of Jesus. The illustration was used in a publication that was distributed internally amongst TFI membership and is not on a public domain, and so we would not be able to provide a link.
I hope that provides you with the information you need, and let me know if I can be of any further help.
Carol Cunningham,
for The Family International
I posted about this on my blog, and an Ex-Family member who has dedicated his life to helping kids from abusive cults even provided a link to the archives in my comment box. I figured it wouldn't hurt to get the word out a little bit more about this wacky sect.