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m 2
Reply Fri 30 Jan, 2009 12:50 am
Hey what the hell happened to Did Jules decide not to renew the domain? How the fuck can it go down!!!
Reply Sat 31 Jan, 2009 10:53 pm
i was just looking at it for the first time the other day; and today when i went to check it out again - it was gone, so i was wondering the same thing? there was some very interesting posts on it... too bad it's gone...
Reply Sun 1 Feb, 2009 02:45 am
p.s. if it was a matter of finances - i know i would be willing to donate to keep the site up - i believe it had great value! hope it's not too late!!
- jg
m 2
Reply Sun 1 Feb, 2009 11:24 am
Well they didn't say anything about needing finances, I'd definitely have been willing to help as well. NDN already closed - although that was not an SGA place, it still had some interesting stuff - and now movingon's gone as well. That was definitely the main xmem site, it will be sorely missed. And it's too late to get it back I think, as it says that the domain has been recently registered. She must have just forgot about it or something because otherwise she'd have posted a notice on the site!

I'm sure Peter here knows her email address, perhaps he can contact her and find out what happened.
Reply Sun 1 Feb, 2009 12:55 pm
if she needs funds to start it up again (and from what it sounds like, it will have to be under a new domain name), i would be happy to help. also if the site does resurface - could someone please post the url here. thx! -jg
Peter Frouman
Reply Sun 1 Feb, 2009 04:20 pm
As far as I know, the domain doesn't expire until July 29, 2009 and it is still registered to Jules although it may have been transferred to a different registrar (the current registrar is I don't know if it was a different registrar before) and the registrant's contact information is now protected by whoisguard. I can also confirm that Jules shut down MovingOn intentionally and that her decision was not related to technical problems or financial concerns. She may eventually post some sort of note explaining her decision. I am also hopeful that MovingOn will eventually be back in some form and I have volunteered my services to maintain it as a permanent archive (similar to what I did for when the NDN coordinators decided to shut it down although one major difference might be that, while posting new articles would be disabled, users would retain the ability to edit/delete their existing articles).

The Internet Archive Wayback Machine seems to be having some technical problems now but when's it's back up, you should be able to find a partial archive of there.
Peter Frouman
Reply Mon 2 Feb, 2009 09:26 pm
Reply Tue 3 Feb, 2009 02:13 am
I refuse to believe that one person decides to lay down the torch and the entire 2nd Gen community vanishes????
There must be others who can carry on Jules work. There MUST be a voice for us. was one of the only things keeping me from losing my sanity, the only thing that gave me hope that our voices were being heard,the ONLY thing that made me decide not to take matters into my own hands. Surely there are other 2nd gens that feel the same way I do. Surely there are others like me who've tried several times to Move ON and simply cant due to the level of trauma suffered during childhood. Surely there are other 2nd gens who feel that Moving On is impossible until the cult is dismantled. Even bringing Zerby to justice wouldn't solve the problem, Bergs sickness has spread too far. There is an invisible war going on and we are currently losing. And they are winning. Everyday that the cult remains in existence is one day too many for all the innocent children current suffering only a slighty less fucked up childhood than we did. I personaly will never forgive or forget. There will be no Peace without War.

It is my strong opinion that a new webpage for 2nd gens is definately needed to prevent more suicides, among other things.
Without a public voice or a support network, people like me are left ALL ALONE.

If you are a 2nd gen who's maybe in the inner circle of 2nd gens, or if you know someone who fits that description, and has the time and means to administrate a webpage, and is more objective than I am, please, please do. We need a public voice and a place to go where we know others have suffered in the same ways we have.

I mean no offence to the 1st gen ex-members who've made the admirable decision to tell the truth about the cult with this website and others. But I personaly feel (and I may be wrong) that it's impossible for you to truly understand how traumatic life was for us kids who did not decide of our own free will to join and did not have the luxury of leaving the cult if we chose. We could not simply just say "hmmm guess I'll leave all this abuse and torture and make a life for myself" untill we were of legal age. Which is the basis of my opinion that 2nd Gens need their own vioce.

I've pesonaly lost two very good friends (Both after leaving the cult) to suicide,the cult is responsible for that, there is NO doubt. I personaly wouldn't be alive today if not for

Lastly I want to say that I fully support Jules' decision to move on with her own life. I'd like to thank her for the seven years of devoted service to our community. So many peoples lives are better because of you.And as I understand it many 2nd gens have been quite successfull in moving on and creating succesfull productive lives. However I feel fairly certain that lots of others, like myself have been extremely unsuccessfull in their transition from The Cult to The Real World. Even after 15 years it haunts me EVERY DAY.

Long Live the voice of the Second Generation.
Reply Tue 3 Feb, 2009 05:36 pm
I hope someone will pick-up the torch - if someone is truly serious - I would be willing to contribute to help them get up and running, at least to the best of my ability (I do work for a Major Motion Picture Studio but I'm not necessarily wealthy - however, I am willing to do what I can financially, if it would help...) There is obviously a great need... and was obviously a lifeline to many folks...

Thorwald 1
Reply Wed 4 Feb, 2009 02:40 am
JimVandari wrote:
If you are a 2nd gen who's maybe in the inner circle of 2nd gens

Huh? There's an "inner circle" of SGAs? Really? Why wasn't I invited to join? Seriously, though, I don't think there is anything of the sort.

JimVandari wrote:
I mean no offence to the 1st gen ex-members who've made the admirable decision to tell the truth about the cult with this website

Um. Actually, the people who started and continue to maintain this site (myself included) are almost all SGAs. We only have one non-SGA on our admin team and that person was never a member. This site,, was and is for everyone. It was setup to provide an exhaustive source of information about anything and everything related to the Children of God/The Family International (and to do it in the most objective way possible). However, this forum can and should be a second gathering place for SGAs.

I, too, wish that would come back Online. However, if it will not or can not (for whatever reason), I would hope that SGAs would feel welcomed here.
Reply Wed 4 Feb, 2009 09:01 pm
As regeards to an "inner circle" a poor name sorry, I should have been more specific.
I was refering to the 2nd gens who live in America now and seem to be in contact with alot of other 2ndgens and 1st gens, who have a network of ex-member friends and I guess I was hoping for someone who knew Ricky personaly. Wasn't trying to imply anything else. I live in Australia and haven't had any contact with 2nd gens since leaving the cult 15 years ago. Only via the web, so I kinda feel "outer circle".

As regards to my 1st gen statment, well I guess I just didn't explore this site well enough, (I was reading about the Frouman kids in a few posts yesterday and was wondering if Peter was a 2nd Gen.) I'm happy to hear that it was put together and run by 2nd gens.
It kinda makes my whole previous post ridiculus sounding. I suffer from foot in mouth frequently. Smile
Thorwald 1
Reply Wed 4 Feb, 2009 11:26 pm
Ah. No worries. Glad to have you.

I left ~16 years ago (a month after turning 18), so I am not sure what happened in terms of abuse after that. However, since I was a somewhat older SGA, I certainly saw and experienced a _lot_ of abuse! And not just sexual abuse; there were many other forms.
Reply Thu 19 Feb, 2009 04:07 am
one person decides to lay down the torch and the entire 2nd Gen community vanishes

Pretty much sums it up. Do you think people would bother participating in a new website now if one person can decide to just pull the plug one day and the whole thing just disappears into the ether? I'll tell you right now I won't be rushing to sign up.

I wish Jules the very best in life simply because her efforts have helped many people transition successfully. Not to mention all the suicides and mental breakdowns the site most assuredly prevented. And I realise she doesn't get nearly enough appreciation for what she does, but I'm too pissed off to say 'thank you' at the moment.

I strongly disagree with her snap decision to shut down the site overnight without any notice(the fact she might have mentioned it beforehand to some of her personal friends means nothing to me). I too only had contact with many people through that site, and the fact that we were literally cut off mid-conversation is, to put it nicely, just plain rude. It also smacks of a reactional response, which is not what I would expect from the Jules I came to know online. Which brings me to my next point.

I was of the impression that Jules had already taken a backseat regarding administrating the site. The last comment I remember her posting was about six months ago, and before that possibly even longer. To be honest the site seemed a bit abandoned lately(the spam messages staying months on end for example). So for her to come out of nowhere and shut the site down because of the "commitment" it required lately just doesn't make any sense to me. Of course I'm purely speculating here, but after having all communication completely cutoff overnight(except for the MyConclusion style 'thanks for coming' blog post) we're left with no option but to speculate.

I don't know, I doubt any of what I'm saying here will have any impact. This decision by Jules just seems a bit self destructive(which is something I guess many exers know about, myself included). I always thought MO was part of the solution not the problem.
m 2
Reply Tue 24 Feb, 2009 09:14 am
^ I agree, it was far too sudden and she didn't give us any time to organize ourselves and decide what to do in its absence. The only thing I can think of is that she wants to disassociate herself from the site for personal/professional reasons, maybe people were googling her and she didn't want them to get some strange ideas about her. But in that case I'm sure she could have deleted any trace of herself from the site and left it running. And she could have at least allowed people to comment on the post in the blogspot thing so those of us who visit the site can speak to each other and decide what to do; but no, we're left in the cold. Yes there are links to this forum, but in all honesty I think very few people from visit here. Either they don't know about it or they don't feel like joining a new forum, in the same way that I'd never post on as I just don't like the feel of it. (Plus it's mainly FGAs there).

Anyway I see that Jules has posted recently in the (now hidden) Editors section, so I'm sure the mods here have a good idea of the whys and wherefores - certainly more than they've said so far.
m 2
Reply Wed 25 Feb, 2009 11:24 am
Stay tuned for some GN suggesting that the site was shut down due to the power of the keys!
Reply Tue 3 Mar, 2009 06:50 am
Ah, the collective intelligence -and collective insanity- of the 2nd gen populace has vanished into thin air has it. A email notice to that effect would have allowed to me to say, back up my own articles and some others. Yes, that would have been nice. Also I'm suddenly out of touch with trillions of people, give or take. I know everybody hates myspace, but it tends to not vanish overnight. You'd probably find one of my IDs if you searched for oddman. I could be wrong.

I don't dispute that whoever made the thing, or rather, whoever owned the thing had the right to shut it down. Just it would be darn nice to know which keys are to blame for this travesty. It probably went down because I stopped dropping by. Blame me if you will.

But yes, a part of me is rejoicing at the prospect that I'll never again be infected by the MO virus. No more bloodshot eyes, no more regretting drunken posts, no more torture at the hands of publix bag boys. I guess it's not all that bad. I shall miss hurling bowling balls at the king and queen.
Reply Tue 17 Mar, 2009 03:29 am
I think served its purpose.

I wouldn't mind seeing a version of the site put back up but not as the personal property of its administrator.

I don't really understand why one needs to be involed etc with the day to day operations of such a site unless one is a control freak or some sort. These platforms can run themselves at this point without much human interference.

I didn't like her meddling on a number of occasions and thought some of her decisions demonstrated sexism, venality and nepotism.

To say that I disagree with some of her decisions is different than saying that I diapprove of her or her efforts.

We'll see what happens.
Reply Sat 11 Apr, 2009 10:09 am
The sudden closing of MO was decidedly rude. One would think that someone who professed (and displayed) such concern for her fellow exmembers would at least have the courtesy and good sense to post a warning notice at least a week or so before closing down the site. I find its sudden closer most suspicious, and cant but feel some unsavory circumstance must have been involved. In my particular case, not only did I lose a considerable number of my articles, but far worse, I lost contact with people who where helping me move to the US. This was/is downright infuriating. I had just posted a detailed article asking important questions and was receiving some useful feedback on a subject which I know nothing about, when bang, just like that she pulls out the rug from under me. Thanks Jules! Now I'm an alcoholic! Yeeeeeah!

Really. If at least the contact info could be posted so I could get my various friends email adds then perhaps I wont have to wait for jesus to come back before I get in contact with them.

Jesus. Unfuckingbelieveable.
Reply Wed 29 Apr, 2009 09:03 pm
So it looks like there isn't going to be an archive of this site. How can such a useful resource just be completely abandoned like this?

If the original creator of the site has lost interest that's fine. But there was so much good info on there for sgas dealing with similar problems in life, I really cannot understand why anyone would deny the hundreds of people that were using, or have used, access to that completely unique resource. I mean archiving the site would require very little effort on Jules' behalf, and someone from here has already offered to help. So what the is the problem? Do I have to join the annoying facebook circlejerk to find anything out? Seriously, after all thats happened in the last few years with MO what is with this cold silence?

I do also have a personal reason for wanting an archive of the MO site. I recently found out that I probably have some form of Aspergers Syndrome, and I remember a detailed discussion taking place with a poster that also had it including how he dealt with it etc. It didn't make much sense at the time, but for some reason it stuck. So all I can do now is sit here and try to remember what was said, which is apparently not easy for someone with AS.

This is not something I can see myself discussing on facebook.

Please Jules, put the site back online as an archive.
Thorwald 1
Reply Thu 30 Apr, 2009 10:13 pm

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