mrs reaper wrote:i never assumed you believed in these concepts you asked me to define god and i defined MY OPNION on god simple as. i wasnt aware religion had different generations i thought it was same regardles of time or era.
you also never answered my question on why there are so many different gods and different religions?
You said in your original post:
"i have question for all.... may i ask why you still beilieve in god???"
Now I am a bit confused. Do you mean to say that your opinion of God was not included in your question?
I answered that I do not believe in that concept. I don't really understand what you mean by religion having generations. Perhas it does. Though I do not in any way think that what my parents believe in has merit. If that is what you mean by generations, then no, religion is discarded with my generation. I can learn more things by watching. I have no need to draw assumptions. I am not afraid to die. Therefore, I am not in a hurry to prove anything. What I need to do, is make decisions. I must judge here and now. That's my job. What food do I buy today? What job do I accept? What do I invest it? You know things like that. Other things are like a rubrics cube - a little twiddle of the thumbs.
Your explanation, quite a common one BTW, explains your question. However, it still doesn't explain the paranormal. These freak things that happen now and then. Science doesn't explain them either. So people build religions around them while other people deny it altogether. I think both are wrong. How many of these trivial things really affect our everyday life? Furthermore, if people understood more about their life, then they may be able to learn from it. They should look within instead of peering out into a void.
IMO, all this talk of God is not as important as another issue. I think this is the real question to ask:
Are we only physical? Or are we also spiritual? You know, like occult and stuff like that - like occlusion as in cannot see it. Or to put it more clearly: Does some of us exist after we die? Is a part of us immortal?
Why is this an issue? Well, looking at the direction gaming is taking, soon we will be able to jump into a box and live in a VR. Movies come to mind. This action would of course be alright if we were simply material and our brains were processing input from our nerves. If we could simulate a wonderful reality for everyone who would like it, I think a lot of people would do it. With the advances in medicine, these "brains in a box" people could perhaps live forever or maybe a really long long time in this VR that is tailor made for them and all their desires. The problem would occur after they die. If their spirits continued to exist after their death, these spirits would be very weak, bratty, babies.
You know what I'm sayin? Weird huh? That's why I think it is an important issue for anyone to investigate and discuss. I think it is really he issue at hand for mankind.