Yo there Family X'ers, now we have all become one haven't we? Looks like the Family may be done for . . . or is it? Why isn't there more jubilation of all the haters on this site? I'm surprised, as it seems the Family has practically dissappeared with barely a whimper. I question these topics a lot and have decided to carry on in my faith, still searching and still keeping an eye out for whatever God is doing today. Perhaps many people decided to forsake their mantles, even in high places of leadership. perhaps I am here to collect those. if anyone wants to forsake their birthrights, please contact me at my youtube channel:
where I report on these kinds of things, or my blog:
I'm just as mad as most of you guys probobly are at the Family, but perhaps for the opposite reason. See, I actually BELIEVE in most of the stuff in the MO Letters, and I'm FURIOUS that people just all went and abandoned their post as the World heads into total financial ruin and "Great Confusion" . . . but perhaps this is all being orchestrated according to some greater purpose?