Hey Clara,
were you in "the school" in 1988/1989? I think I can remember you. You were in my sisters class. Her name is Christina. I think you were also friends with a girl called Madeleine?
If you remember my sister... I'm sure she would love getting in touch with you.
hey I don't remember ur sis but do you have a picture of you or her my private email is ccvazquez@usf.mail.edu if you do really remember me please write me there
I was in Argentina from 84-94 so you probably know my kids Peter, Dulci and Claire. I'm here in Chicago with Dulci and Claire.
My name was Andrés of Susana
Hi, i was in Argentina from 84-94, i remember living in hurlingham and going to school in Pilar. If anyone is interested in contacting me, they can do it on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/gabriel.hilgendorf
Hello, I am interested in hear testimonies from ex-COG members raised in Argentina or residing here during the 80's and 90's.
How was your experience in Argentina?
Greetings from Buenos Aires !!
Hola, estoy interesado en escuchar testimonios de ex miembros de los NDD criados o residentes en Argentina durante los años 80's y 90's.
Como fue tu experiencia en Argentina?