" The 12 Foundation Stonesâ€

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max 1
Reply Sat 9 Sep, 2006 12:34 pm
" The 12 Foundation Stonesâ€
I am, as many will know a leader.
However, I am now studying the " The 12 Foundation Stonesâ€
Reply Sun 10 Sep, 2006 12:07 pm
Re: " The 12 Foundation Stonesâ€
max wrote:
I am, as many will know a leader.
However, I am now studying the " The 12 Foundation Stonesâ€
Reply Sun 10 Sep, 2006 01:26 pm
I am, as many will know a leader.

"The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers..."

"...everyone that exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted." -- Matthew 18:11 & 14
Day 1
Reply Sun 10 Sep, 2006 02:10 pm
Re: " The 12 Foundation Stonesâ€
ex-Sharon wrote:

Max, the lord has given me a few words for you. Hang on...(tongues)
Yabbildy gabbildy hobbidy dobbidy yabada yabada allabah hallabah baloo
My child, do not listen to the rantings and ravings of the bitter apostates here. It is my will that you complete the 12 foundation stones and enter into paradise with your new family. There you will be a leader and shown great love and be given power over others to watch over them and see that they are in their positions. In the meantime, those over your position will gradually work on cleaning out your assets while making you feel important. You are and will be treated like a queen. You will first have a lot of room to question and then when you have taken the hook line and more importantly the SINKER, you will no longer enjoy the privileges of questioning and having a sense of control over yours or anyone elses life. You will be humbled in the eyes of the great queen and then driven out of the family OR be a lackey for the rest of your life. Such has happened before with leaders who had followings whether JPA leader or House of Judah or others who were people with power or wealth. In the end there can only be one king or queen and it will never be you. Shocked

Hahahahahahahaha. The tongues thing is hilarious, ex-Sharon. I 'bout fell out of my chair...and am still laughing. Laughing
Reply Sun 10 Sep, 2006 05:30 pm
There are people in the world who are cut out for life in the Family--not as followers, but as leaders. Generally speaking, these people are socipaths and narcissists. It does bother me at times to use psychiatric labels for people with serious character defects, when just plain "bad" would suffice for "mad." The truth of the matter is, fragile egos lay underneath that veneer of normalcy, those defenses of rationalization and condescention. So fragile, in fact, that you don't have to squeeze such a person very hard to get their true colors to bleed.

Max needs to live in a world where the rules that apply to everyone else don't apply to him. TFI's leadership have created just such a world where personal responsibility for their choices are always someone else's problem--the domain of cry babies and whiners. What's important is that these special people are making a difference in the world. They're legends in their own minds. They apologize to those who are stepped on and hurt along the way. Pfssh! Get over it.

My reading of the Good News is that the egocentrism necessary to make a difference in the world is a burden that Jesus would like to help us let go. I think the point of Christian life is to allow ourselves to be loved unconditionally by God and to share that love with others. Saying "I love you" is easy. Forgetting myself long enough to enter into another person's reality, to be nonjudgemntal of their pain & suffering, their triumphs and joys--this is what it means to take up the cross daily and die to self.

Letting go of self is just about impossible to do if it's all about me making a difference in the world. Letting go of self to feel compassion for someone caught up in the agony of self pity isn't about making a difference, it's about being a different kind of person: A witness to the suffering, death & resurrection of Christ. I can almost get there with narcissists, despite the great injuries they cause other people with their egocentric worldview, but the loneliness and terror they so desperately seek to concel in their shadows are more than I can fathom at times.

Lord, have mercy that we might BE the change we seek to bring to the world.
max 1
Reply Mon 11 Sep, 2006 04:08 am
Re: " The 12 Foundation Stonesâ€
ex-Sharon wrote:
max wrote:
I am, as many will know a leader.
However, I am now studying the " The 12 Foundation Stonesâ€
max 1
Reply Mon 11 Sep, 2006 04:12 am
CB/BE wrote:
There are people in the world who are cut out for life in the Family--not as followers, but as leaders. Generally speaking, these people are socipaths and narcissists. It does bother me at times to use psychiatric labels for people with serious character defects, when just plain "bad" would suffice for "mad." The truth of the matter is, fragile egos lay underneath that veneer of normalcy, those defenses of rationalization and condescention. So fragile, in fact, that you don't have to squeeze such a person very hard to get their true colors to bleed.

Max needs to live in a world where the rules that apply to everyone else don't apply to him. TFI's leadership have created just such a world where personal responsibility for their choices are always someone else's problem--the domain of cry babies and whiners. What's important is that these special people are making a difference in the world. They're legends in their own minds. They apologize to those who are stepped on and hurt along the way. Pfssh! Get over it.

My reading of the Good News is that the egocentrism necessary to make a difference in the world is a burden that Jesus would like to help us let go. I think the point of Christian life is to allow ourselves to be loved unconditionally by God and to share that love with others. Saying "I love you" is easy. Forgetting myself long enough to enter into another person's reality, to be nonjudgemntal of their pain & suffering, their triumphs and joys--this is what it means to take up the cross daily and die to self.

Letting go of self is just about impossible to do if it's all about me making a difference in the world. Letting go of self to feel compassion for someone caught up in the agony of self pity isn't about making a difference, it's about being a different kind of person: A witness to the suffering, death & resurrection of Christ. I can almost get there with narcissists, despite the great injuries they cause other people with their egocentric worldview, but the loneliness and terror they so desperately seek to concel in their shadows are more than I can fathom at times.

Lord, have mercy that we might BE the change we seek to bring to the world.

If it bothers you to use psychiatric labels for people then why do you bother using them or mentioning them! Still that’s you problem.
As a leader in the secular society in which I live, I consider myself glad, not mad or bad.
I live in a World where the rules of society apply to me as they do to any of my fellow law abiding citizens and I would not want to live my life in any other way.
If you unable to get over it, whatever it is, then at least you can try getting on with life.
Believe me I know how hard that can be and what loss and the emotions that brings means, but you have to pick yourself up dust yourself down and get on with life.
What is the alternative, suicide like Ricky Rod committed, that in my view is the coward’s way out!
As to being narcissistic, I think we are all guilty of that to a lesser or greater extent.
I guess having sex with oneself is narcissistic but it can be darn good in moderation!
Looking at other men’s bottoms is not being narcissistic; it is admiration!
It’s all a bit confusing really, but I try to make a difference, as it would seem you do or at least are trying to.
Reply Mon 11 Sep, 2006 01:35 pm
Re: " The 12 Foundation Stonesâ€
Ex Sharon
Thank you for your words/ blessing/will from your Lord that I complete the “12 Foundation Stonesâ€
max 1
Reply Mon 11 Sep, 2006 04:32 pm
Re: " The 12 Foundation Stonesâ€
Anonymous wrote:
Ex Sharon
Thank you for your words/ blessing/will from your Lord that I complete the “12 Foundation Stonesâ€
max 1
Reply Tue 12 Sep, 2006 02:28 am
Coming along….
In between making a living and fending of hostile apostates I learnt about the importance of godly counselors today.
I’m not one for making quotes, anyone can do that but original thoughts and actions take intelligence and originality something that some people could do with!
Anyway nothing wrong with the odd proverb namely and I quote “ In the multitude of counselors there is safety. Without counsel purposes are disappointed: but in the multitude of counselors they are establishedâ€
Cookie 2
Reply Fri 15 Sep, 2006 07:02 pm
Re: " The 12 Foundation Stonesâ€
max wrote:
... since financially I am in the same financial World as Jeremy Spencer et al and the inference thereof! Love & God Bless


oh Max, Max, didn't you know Jeremy Spencer lives in WS (World Services) which is with the leadership of the Family (although he is not a leader, unless you want to count his art, which is certainly influencing. but he doesn't come up with the text around the art. it's the text from Maria, then his art after)? As far as HIS money, he's as broke as the rest of them, and if he has any money stashed somewhere (which he can't use, because it wouldn't be fair to the rest of the WS people, Maria and Peter would tell him exactly how to use it. Because having a lot of money in the CM Family is just something that doesn't happen.

Sorry to disillusion you, but Jeremy Spencer lives as any other person would in the strictest of Family environments. He has less freedom than your average field family person, so your statement is wrong. sorry.

Or, are you TRYING to imply that you're broke?
max 1
Reply Sat 16 Sep, 2006 03:41 am
Re: " The 12 Foundation Stonesâ€
Cookie wrote:
max wrote:
... since financially I am in the same financial World as Jeremy Spencer et al and the inference thereof! Love & God Bless


oh Max, Max, didn't you know Jeremy Spencer lives in WS (World Services) which is with the leadership of the Family (although he is not a leader, unless you want to count his art, which is certainly influencing. but he doesn't come up with the text around the art. it's the text from Maria, then his art after)? As far as HIS money, he's as broke as the rest of them, and if he has any money stashed somewhere (which he can't use, because it wouldn't be fair to the rest of the WS people, Maria and Peter would tell him exactly how to use it. Because having a lot of money in the CM Family is just something that doesn't happen.

Sorry to disillusion you, but Jeremy Spencer lives as any other person would in the strictest of Family environments. He has less freedom than your average field family person, so your statement is wrong. sorry.

Or, are you TRYING to imply that you're broke?

I was unaware that Jeremy Spencer was a current member of TFI until a few days ago
when someone on this forum very kindly pointed it out to me.
People here have been very good at pointing things out to me.
Subsequently I understand that he is living in Ireland in a family home.
As to Mr. Spencer’s finances I cannot comment since I have not met with his accountant.
It would seem from your comments that you have and he may well have stashed the cash, maybe to help his children who as I understand, are no longer members of TFI and are following in his footsteps of Rock& Roll.
As I have said several times, I have no intention of going to live in a family home since I already have two of my own and to repeat yet again I enjoy them immensely.
I have many safeguards in place to ensure that I maintain and retain these and other assets.
If I decide to join TFI then I see myself as a benefactor and generator of funds not handing out leaflets, not that there is anything wrong with that.
It is a question of using ones talents and abilities for the benefit of all.
This is what I do within the secular society in which I currently live.
Well I have to go and partake in some retail therapy whilst I still have some money left.
I saw this pair of Bart Simpson underpants for £14.99 and fancy myself in a pair.
Then I have to study Class 1A of “The 12 Foundation Stonesâ€
Day 1
Reply Sat 16 Sep, 2006 03:07 pm
CB/BE wrote:

Letting go of self is just about impossible to do if it's all about me making a difference in the world. Letting go of self to feel compassion for someone caught up in the agony of self pity isn't about making a difference, it's about being a different kind of person: A witness to the suffering, death & resurrection of Christ. I can almost get there with narcissists, despite the great injuries they cause other people with their egocentric worldview, but the loneliness and terror they so desperately seek to concel in their shadows are more than I can fathom at times.

Lord, have mercy that we might BE the change we seek to bring to the world.

Ever since reading BE's posting, I found myself coming back to read it over again. The words and insight are rich, full of what strikes me as true. And although I have much to learn, the last line echos in my mind and gives me hope.
Reply Sun 17 Sep, 2006 09:24 am
To make truly lasting changes in this world we need to do the things that will cause the people in the world to change.

You know the saying about giving a fish to a hungry man to relieve his hunger, but if we teach him to fish we will cure his hunger. (Or something to that effect).
winter 1
Reply Sun 17 Sep, 2006 09:40 am
Re: " The 12 Foundation Stonesâ€
Cookie wrote:

Sorry to disillusion you, but Jeremy Spencer lives as any other person would in the strictest of Family environments. He has less freedom than your average field family person, so your statement is wrong. sorry.

Remember, he is "free" do anything as long as it is in love. WS is well known for sticking to this rule.
Cookie 2
Reply Sun 17 Sep, 2006 01:13 pm
Yes, and i agree with you for some cases. But I also know that WS has a very laid out set of rules and regulations compared with regular Family homes.
Day 1
Reply Sun 17 Sep, 2006 04:44 pm
evanman wrote:
To make truly lasting changes in this world we need to do the things that will cause the people in the world to change.

You know the saying about giving a fish to a hungry man to relieve his hunger, but if we teach him to fish we will cure his hunger. (Or something to that effect).

BE's comments I took to be most valuable, remarks that applied to me; that in order to effect good and positive change in the world, one must be willing to give up self to be a better person, to show true compassion and to love the unlovely. It is too easy when people are divisive, irrational or any of the multitude of character flaws we deem they might have (whether real or imagined), to stoop to that level. And all that is accomplished is a perpetuating of those very things. How could I ever be an instrument of good, to be the change I hope to see, if change is a foreign thing to me? Or how can I give something I do not possess, or know nothing about, much less show another where to find it?

All said, I am grateful for BE's admonition. It has been an impetus for positive change in me.

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