Mon 19 May, 2008 02:29 pm
Help for aspiring RN
I have a friend who has just spent 5 years pursuing a nursing career. She was set to graduate this May to become an RN (not RN degree), but the unthinkable happened. She did not pass one of her exams (in Peds) with an 80% and the college has taken her out of the RN program with no option to retake the class to make up the credit. I understand that this college in Michigan has a policy that you can only retake one class. (Like many nursing colleges I am told) She had to retake a class a couple of years ago and this was her second class that she didn't pass. Now after 5 years of classes and student loans she was kicked to the curb. She was told she could enroll in the LPN program, but that many of the classes she has already taken would not count in this program. Does anyone out there have any options to offer her so that all is not lost?
I am from TN and that is how it is here. You can only fail two courses and then you are kicked out for good. Whatever that means. I would tell her to call other universitys and tell them the situation. She has come so far : (
Thank you for your suggestions. My friend is very depressed.

I just think after all this work that she should be able to to do something with her schooling. She has student loans to pay off. She needs options now.
I had a few friends go through the same thing.
You might be able to find a different school that will accept the already-taken credits, but most of the best programs have the same policy that you can't really afford to make a mistake in this field, that's for sure.