Multi Nclex test taker, advice please
I graduated nsg school in 1999 and failed my RN boards multi times.

Took the LPN boards and passed. Since then I have gotten married, had two children. One of which is only a few mths old. I have mainly worked in home health with pediatric clients. I worked in the ER during school and when I first got my LPN. I would really like to start studying and stay on track to pass the RN test, whether I actually use it right now or not. I would still have it to fall back on when my children get a little older(want to enjoy this time with them, they are only young once).
Before when I was studying I discover that I have test taking anxiety, which wasn't a big shocker cause I've never done good on big test. Also I would relate things on the test to thing in real life situations, thanks to all the hands on experience I got working in the ER. which I have been told the NCLEX is more book knowledge than experience/actually working knowledge of how things are really done. I would try to keep that in mind while studying and actually taking the test but it was a struggle in my mind. I could always narrow it down to two answers, but choosing the correct one is the key. A lot of the times all the answers are correct you just have to put them into correct order. That being the hard part, life? or book?
In the past I have done all the different NCLEX prep books, a 4 day prep course, prep course on tape, even went to psych for help with the anxiety.
I've been told by several people just to keep doing practice questions not necessarily reviewing material. Plus I think it would help to have some motivation and get some advice from others who know what I'm going through. Something to get and keep me on my toes, like when I was in nsg school.
Is there anyone out there with the same/similiar issues or anyone with some suggestions

Any help would be greatly appreciated.