Re:pros/cons 2nd shift
Have you ever thought about working home health? That was one of the reasons I went from ER to home health. I too am an LPN however I graduated in 1999 and just couldn't pass the RN state boards and was able to pass the LPN. Looking to start studying again.
Any ways, in home health there is a higher pay for nurses in general whether your a CNA, LPN, RN. An you choose the case and hrs you want to work. The last few years a lot of my case were 2nd shift but I just went in early and got home at a reasonable time. Eamples: 1 case was 2pm to 10pm, 2 case was 12pm to 8pm. Just to name a few. You would be with one client at a time and may even have down time to study. I just didn't take advantage of the down time I had, which was my own fault. I even had a case were I did 16 hrs to get off one extra day in the week, it was from 8am until 12am. There are also small case that may be available, where you would have 3 or more case approx an hour at each per day.
FYI: Home health has some good tax deductions

that you can use on your end of year taxes. You'll get a bigger return, that is if tax personnel knows what they are doing.
As far as the time with your fiance goes, it works it self out as long as when you do have time together you spend it together doing something, yard work, out on a date, whatever.
However with your soon to be daughter, you do need that time together with her. I don't know how old she is, but she doesn't need to talking back to you. If she does, you and your fiance need to sit down with her and make some ground rules. Otherwise she will continue the same behavior and it WILL come between you and your fiance, which is want she ultimately wants. Your taking some of the attention away from her daddy that she is use to getting. He really needs to step in now if he wants a long lasting relationship with you. Not meaning to get into your personal life, but I've been on both sides of the track.
Hope this is of some help. good luck.