Thu 1 Nov, 2007 07:17 pm
Any operating room nurses out there!! I'm thinking about taking the test this year, but the books are so expensive. Anyone want to sell theirs or "rent" them out? Any thoughts
thanks a million, Robyn
I don't have books that I can depart with, but I did borrow the AORN Standards Recommended Practices and Guidelines from our hospital surgical OR and bootlegged a copy when I took the test. Maybe your surgical area will have a copy. The latest standards are a must have and your OR shoud have one.
Are you going to AORN Congress?
AORN certification
I am a NW surgical nurse who sees a pay difference (minimal) with credentials as helpful but not the end all. Pluses are you taking this certification anywhere and bringing assurance of standards of practice based upon hours in your practice. You have achieved the right to certify. This says a lot to employers and gives an advantage when in recruitment or actively working where a management may practice with laxity. Yes, the initial expense and ongoing education costs to maintain your certification may absorb some of that monetary gain, however, what is excellence worth?