Tue 24 Apr, 2007 02:36 pm
Proposal for Nursing Retirement...
I am looking to check interest in developing a federally funded retirement plan for nurses. I need responses and hope to make this my practicum. The purpose of this study is to discover if a federally funded nursing retirement (a program that will guarantee 50% of retirement income after 20 years of service, and an additional 25% for every ten years of service, up to 100%. This will be pro-rated as decided later.) could help to bridge the gap in the nursing shortage for Northeast Florida and the U.S. Would it promote nursing retention, longevity, and security for nurses currently working as well as prompting nurses to return to the profession? The results will be used to seek the aid of local, state, and federal politicians in organizing and instituting a nursing retirement plan. As one of the largest workforces in the country that provides caring and professional services to all communities, we deserve a retirement plan. We work long and strenuous hours with tremendous responsibilities and stressors and are justified in seeking this plan. If policemen, firemen, teachers and city workers (also railroad employees), can have such a benefit, WHY NOT NURSES?