help of course!!
Well my fellow nurses I have been told this is `the` place to go to ask for help so I am going to jump right in and ask away...and as I do I will try to remember that there is no such thing as a stupid question

1) One of the side effects of diuretics abd antiihypertensives in the elderly is orthostatic hypotension. What nursing consideration is important to accomodate this?
2) What
groupof medications interfers with the absorption of oral medications such as digoxin and iron compounds? When should they be administered?
Next group of questions is CONVERSIONS which I am having trouble with.
1) Calculate the number of tablets or capsules administered for each dose and for the 24 hour period.
Prednisone 40 mg p.o. once a day. The medication is in 5 mg tablets
2) Callculate the amount of liquid administered for each dose and for the 24 hour period
3) Do the following conversions:
Now fellow nurses when I read this I just didn`t understand it ...made not one bit of sense to me...maybe I have been too much studying and things just aren`t sinking in..dunno but this is exactly how the question was presented to me so I will type it as it was given.
If you can come up with the answer would you kindly explain to me how you figured it out. Once something is explained to me I can ususally `get it`
Here is the question:
7mg/tablet=_________________mg/0.5 tablet
48/tab=12mg/_______________ tab
Thank you so much for reading and replying to my first post. I hope the questions aren`y too difficult. I`m sure somebody out there has the answers